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Foursquare Makes National Cheeseburger Day Into A Charity Event

National Cheeseburger Day is tomorrow and foursquare has teamed up with KRAFT to generate some charitable giving based on your love of the cheeseburger.

All you have to do is check-in at Five Guys Burgers and Fries, and KRAFT will donate the equivalent to Feeding America. Here’s what foursquare had to say:

Foursquare’s great for exploring the world around you, but it’s also great for giving back! In honor of tomorrow’s National Cheeseburger Day, when you check in at Five Guys Burgers & Fries, KRAFT Cheese will donate the equivalent of a meal to Feeding America, an organization that operates food banks across the United States. The event starts today and lasts for two weeks, so the more burgers, the better!

To make sure your check-in counts, go to kraftcheese.com/checkin and connect your foursquare account. Visit the Five Guys foursquare page to find the nearest location, and be sure to swing by soon to nom a cheeseburger and support a good cause.

Some people may choose to skip the burger and just write a check. Seems like a lot more fun to go to a Five Guys and check-in for charity. This is likely to be a great way to get a lot of people who otherwise wouldn't know it was National Cheeseburger Day or know about Feeding America, to participate in a great event for charity.

If you are going to Five Guys tomorrow to celebrate the day, then just be sure to check-in so that a donation is made on your behalf. Every penny counts. Winter is just around the corner and Feeding America could actually make a difference for some folks who are less fortunate because of you.

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