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4 Tools For Vibrant Social Media

This week's Guest Post is written by Anny Solway, a writer at ThemeFuse. She likes to discover new ideas about internet marketing, social media and blogging.

The rise of social media has led to many opportunities for small businesses to reach consumers directly. With a professional website done with any number of WordPress themes combined with social media, a business is going to get maximum value from their web presence. Because these social media pages allow a business to show their personality and relay an unfiltered message directly to consumers, it can be a great way to produce brand loyalty and reinforce bonds between the business and existing customers while fostering new relationships. Some tools exists that can help make your social media marketing campaign a bit easier to run while making your sites look their best, enticing customers visually and with great content.

Pagemodo Posts

This company does everything you will need for your social media pages, from creating custom cover photos to creating custom tabs. They will also create custom posts for you, allowing you get your message out on social media outlets without having to stop what you’re doing to post, then check back to respond or monitor the page. They will work with you in terms of what message you want your posts to convey. They then create engaging status updates and tweets, and then respond to any comments or feedback these posts may get. This way, you can focus on your business while other people do the work of interacting with customers and building an online brand.


Pinterest is a social media outlet that has exploded onto the scene, and it is a marketing opportunity that should not be ignored, especially if you are marketing to women. This company allows you to schedule pins throughout the day, ensuring that fresh content will be available for customers to see. It also allows you to check the metrics of your pins, including likes, repins, clicks, and reach. This way, you can see which pins are attracting the most attention, see what time users are most engaged in your site, and coordinate your schedule to coincide with this, guaranteeing maximum reach for the content you pin. It also has tools to help you find new followers who may be able to help grow your brand. If you have a business that primarily caters to women, Pinterest is absolutely vital to growth.

Social Identities

A unique page that helps you stand out will help distinguish you from other brands on the market. With Social Identities, you can create custom Facebook and Twitter pages that will allow you to show a unique personality to the world. With custom backgrounds, custom cover photos, and other tools, this website will give your social media pages a completely unique feel from others on the market. This will help create a distinct brand for your company or product and make it stand out in people’s minds. The more people remember your product, the more likely you are to make sales


The entire goal of social media is to get people to share your content with their friends. This is a form of word of mouth advertising that really helps drive sales; when someone shares something from a business or brand, it is seen as an endorsement of that business or brand. This, in turn, causes friends of that person to take notice and try it for themselves. LinkTally allows you to enter your URL into a search box and this website will count up the number of times that link has been shared over various social media outlets. This way, you can see exactly what posts are the most and least popular, and tailor your social media campaigns around what is being shared the most.

Do you use any of these tools or have suggestions of other tools we should look at? Leave a comment!

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