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The Inbound Organization With Dan Tyre & Todd Hockenberry [PODCAST]

The Inbound Organization With Dan Tyre & Todd Hockenberry [PODCAST]

We live in a world where your prospects are bombarded with information and multiple distractions. Business owners are in search of tactics to steer them away from all of that and get their attention on your product or service? Marketing to this highly technological and openly social generation is currently quite challenging.

Business owners have two choices. Continue doing what you're doing and try to make “interruption marketing” work for you. Or, embrace the concept of inbound marketing and see how being helpful to your target audience brings warm leads in the door.

Inbound Marketing Basics

The Inbound Organization With Dan Tyre & Todd Hockenberry [PODCAST]At its simplest form, inbound marketing focuses on the use of helpful, relevant, informative, and high-quality content to attract prospects and add value at every point of the buyer's journey. In this way, it is the prospects who find you through social media, blogs, or search engines instead of you finding them through interruption marketing. Implementing a strategy where your goal is to help people by providing information about your industry and product or services is far more appealing to prospects than bombarding them with distractions while they are online.

The content you create addresses the needs and pain points of your prospects through the relevant information you provide. Prospects become qualified prospects and warm leads who will come to you for help. Then they become customers.

Inbound marketing efforts allow your target audience to trust you. Inbound marketing builds credibility. Inbound marketing positions you as a company that will meet their needs and solve their problems. Prospects will be the ones calling you, making it a more positive experience for them because they are open to what you can offer them. From there, a solid relationship begins to build as you make each touch point a positive customer experience for them.

The Inbound Revolution

Because inbound marketing is so effective and profound, it has gone beyond being just a marketing strategy into a full-fledged philosophy that affects your entire business operation. There has been a major shift in the customer’s buying behavior as they gain more access to information right at their fingertips. They no longer need a sales person to supply them with information because they have already armed themselves with what they can get on the Internet. You must invest in developing content for your website, in SEO and social media, so you can compete.

Business owners need to change and adapt if you want your business to grow. This is where the Inbound Organization comes in. The Inbound Organization is all about aligning the company’s mission and culture to that of the customer experience. And so it isn’t just marketing and sales that is involved. It starts with the leadership team, finance department, to product development, and to the rest of company. In this way, it can be ensured that at each touch point, the customer is satisfied and truly helped as a human being by a human being from your company.

Join The Inbound Revolution

If you want to build your company’s future, you have to build it using inbound principles. You have to adapt to the changes we are seeing in buyer behavior. The change has to start from the top down, making founders, business leaders, and entrepreneurs responsible for creating an inbound environment and company culture. The company’s mission and vision has to be re-aligned together with the action plans, strategies, and tools of an Inbound Organization. The goal is to ensure your systems are a good fit with how buyers think, discover, and eventually purchase in light of what your competition can offer.

Organizations need to develop an overall inbound mindset where they do not just update their business plans but formulate a strategic inbound foundation. Needless to say, an inbound approach is one which is customer-centered, humane, and authentically helpful. When each employee is aware of your mission, they will radiate the inbound values and interact with the customers in a helpful manner. They help not because they want to sell, but because from one fellow human to another, they genuinely intend to help the other person in the best way they can.

When it comes to sales and marketing, both departments work together to create a buyer persona that is specific to the company's target audience. But it isn’t just about your usual demographics. It's more about a well-researched buyer persona. In this way, you can find out more about the buyer's pain points and how specifically you can help them. In the end, it’s all about being genuine as a company, creating that culture within, and helping your customers make their lives better as you help your company grow.

To really get some insight on the Inbound Revolution I highly recommend you do two things:

  • Get the book Inbound Organization written by Dan Tyre and Todd Hockenberry.
  • Listen to my podcast interview of Dan Tyre and Todd Hockenberry (Then leave a rating and review).

As you know, I am a strong advocate of the benefits of inbound marketing. I share my knowledge and experience with you in my recently released book. If you're ready to develop your own inbound marketing strategy, or just want to learn more, please contact us.
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