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Social Media Marketing For Small Business: Ways To Establish Trust And Credibility

social media marketing, social media, twitterSocial media marketing for small business is more important today than ever before. There isn't anything customers look for more in a business than trust, credibility, and the ultimate in transparency. Small businesses, however, may think this approach matters more for major corporations where consumers have automatic suspicion about what goes on behind the scenes. If you're a small business owner, you can't assume consumers will place immediate trust in you just because you're an independent business and they can often see and touch the owner.

You still need to establish a strong level of trust, especially when you have competitors in the same industry as you. It's here where social media marketing for small business becomes all the more powerful and where you have opportunities to create trustworthiness. You also open the “transparency” doors and can leave no consumer doubts.

In the world of social media, which places are the best to prove these attributes? A careful analysis is required before jumping into the world of social media marketing for small business. Pinterest might be the place for you. YouTube might help you showcase your business. There are thousands of social networks out there and many are niche networks that might be perfect for you. No time to talk about all of them today so I've narrowed our discussion to three social networks where you have many opportunities for conversations and posting marketing media.

Establishing Trust on Twitter

Those who've been on Twitter since its inception know how useful its become since its growth into a major cyber metropolis. It's a perfect place to hold honest conversations, handle customer service issues and perform competitor research. It's a great place to get your news and find out if people are talking about your business on Twitter.

For a business, conversations with prospective customers has more significant importance. Those conversations should also be honest, yet adhere to certain guidelines so you don't end up looking like a spammer. Be available and ready to answer questions about your product or service when they come up. Think of Twitter like you would a Chamber meeting or other networking event.

With statistics showing 72% of consumers are more likely to make a future purchase from a business based on Twitter interactions, you can see why conversations there are so essential. Regardless, how do you start a conversation there so it's natural rather than a hard-sell interrogation?

The best way is to compile lists of people you want to converse with who would benefit the most from the products or services your small business provides. Do a hashtag search first and look in on conversations taking place. Add people to your Twitter lists who you could start conversations with later.

Once you start a conversation, make them informative, yet don't pitch your business or a link to your website yet. Become friends with these people first and they'll follow you in return. When they do, they'll likely visit your website under their own accord when you post links to content.

Creating Better Customer Connections on Facebook

No matter how you feel about Facebook, they're still in the top ranks for social media marketing. For a small business, customer support is a form of marketing since it's a part of your brand and establishes you as providing openness and trust.

You can do this through your Facebook wall and in private messaging where it's easy talk to customers and engage with them immediately. When you promote this on Facebook, you instantly show you're transparent and won't ignore any important messages. Be sure to respond to any kind of feedback you receive, including answering pertinent questions before your small business officially opens.

Building a community of advocates on Facebook is your real goal. Taking advantage of the power of word-of-mouth marketing is going to help you business grow. People today rely more than ever on the advice of their peers. Facebook is often the palce they go for this type of feedback.

Transparency on LinkedIn

If you've long considered LinkedIn as just a place to design a resume, think again. It's really the supreme place on social media now for comprehensive business marketing. You can showcase your small business brand there, plus use your Company Page as a supplement to your main website.

Even better, it's an easier place to network with people you know have an interest in your business services. You can create a fast network of associates there, plus post media, which consolidates information about your business with a free marketing platform.

Fail to take advantage of all LinkedIn has to offer at your own risk. This is the number one social platform for business and your presence here is essential.

Contact us here at The Friedman Group, LLC so we can help you find the best social media channels to establish immediate trust in your small business.

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