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119 things you didn't know about email

119 Interesting Facts You Don’t Know About Email Marketing

Email marketing is a marketing tool that still delivers incredible results to those who fully implement its techniques and ways. With so much emphasis on social media and other content marketing platforms, it’s easy to forget about a battle-tested, marketer-approved strategy that consistently yields favorable returns: email.

You see, the benefits of email marketing remain, ranging from generating quality leads, improving sales, and fostering brand loyalty to improving overall conversion rates. The advantages are too grand to ignore! Email is a vital ingredient to a well-oiled inbound marketing machine.

119 things you didn't know about emailIn fact, there are a plethora of facts and figures that you may not know about email marketing. Here are six key takeaways (among the many possible) from the compilation of 119 email marketing statistics shared in the infographic below:

#1 Email is more effective in converting than social media

While social media is excellent for boosting brand awareness and generating new leads and followers, email performs better in driving sales. It delivers an ROI of at least 3 times greater than social media with the average order being 17% higher.

When it comes to promotional content, 72% of people prefer to receive it through email versus only 17% prefer social media. It simply pays to pay attention to email marketing!

#2 Email is the top marketing strategy for gaining new customers

A whopping 85% of US retailers agree that email marketing is their most effective channel for customer acquisition. Actually, 70% of email readers tend to open emails from brands in search of a deal, discount or coupon. They’re looking to buy!

With 91% of users checking their email at least once daily from their smartphones, it's a no-brainer why email is still valuable in connecting and reaching customers. The key is sharing relevant content that keeps them engaged with your messages.

#3 Implementing an abandoned cart strategy can reactivate online sales

Did you know on average 69.23% of online shopping carts are abandoned? This is the majority of shoppers who visit your page. There’s interest, but failing to complete the order through checkout.

Yet, 46% of these shoppers will open a follow-up email in regards to their abandoned items and almost 29% of them will click on the link provided to return to their cart. This is huge! Imagine the impact on revenue if you were to implement an abandoned cart campaign where every shopper receives a friendly reminder about their products. You’ll convert prospects into sales, increasing your bottom-line.

#4 You WIN With Email Segmentation 

Email segmentation is an elite marketing practice that significantly improves engagement all-around. Targeted emails receive a nice 68% open rate while a generic one produced a 22% open rate. Marketers who segment their list also experience lower unsubscribe rates (28%), better deliverability (24%), and of course, greater revenue.

Segmented campaigns also earn better click-rates by almost 60 percent. The compelling numbers go on. Email segmentation is a winning tactic that should be an active strategy in your marketing.

#5 Don't Be Shy…Resend That Email!

In the event that you send an email and you fail to generate your desired outcome, what’s your next plan of action? The best response is to resend the email to those who did not initially open your message.

You see, MailiGen increased email open rates from 20% to 29% by resending emails. Additionally, Aptieka improved their open rates by an amazing 23.7% by sending emails to unresponsive subscribers. Think about how this spike in engagement can impact your overall campaign. Just be sure to use a different subject line!

#6 Simply Put, Email Is Where The Money And Relationship Building Exists

In the infographic below, you will realize that email marketing fosters relationships with leads and customers, building trust between the brand and subscribers. As a result of nurturing and cultivating their list, marketers achieve incredible results in sales, repeat business and customers who remain loyal to their brand.

Courtesy of: Website Builder.org

Let us share with you email marketing tips that are proven to work, time and time again. Reach out to us here and request a free consultation to discover how our email services can drive your company's marketing ROI!

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