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3 Reasons You Need To Create 2018 SMART Goals And How To Start

3 Reasons You Need To Create 2018 SMART Goals And How To Start

When it comes to SMART goals in business sometimes they can take a back seat. They don't go on the front burner because you have so much else that is urgent. Payroll is due today. You need to put out a fire with your biggest client. You have that big meeting this afternoon. Your team needs you to approve and sign off on a big project. Before you know it you have put in a 12 hour day and you are beat. You got through the day but frankly, that isn't good enough. Not to say you didn't work hard but you can be working much more efficiently with SMART goals to guide your months, weeks, and days.

It Allows You To Put Your Business First

SMART goals have gained popularity over the years. It's a pretty catchy acronym but there is a lot of validity to each component too. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Creating these goals will allow you to set realistic expectations for your business. This helps put the growth and sustainability of your business front and center.

The Time It Takes To Create The Goals Takes My Time Away From My Customers

3 Reasons You Need To Create 2018 SMART Goals And How To StartIf you are so swamped with your business, and you are lucky to get through the day without failing to meet a deadline something needs to change. You are going to burn out and you need to delegate. (Hiring additional help to manage your business better can be a goal). The way to solve this is to schedule the time to create and plan these goals. It needs to be a top priority. Put everything aside to get this done. It's your business don't let it go by the wayside because you're strapped for time.

It Reinvigorates Your ‘Why'

Why did you start your business? Often, it's not to make as much money as you can as fast as you can. Any business owner knows it takes time to turn a profit. Your ‘why' will guide your SMART goals.

I've Been Going Through The Motions So Long I Can't Remember My Why

This happens to the best of us. Things just start to blur. Honestly, that's why you need smart goals. Try going back to your business plan. What were your goals when you first started out? Why did you start this business to begin with? Is your why different today than ten years ago? Then it wouldn't hurt to start fresh with a new business plan.

They Allow You To Hold Yourself Accountable

If your goals are not specific you can say you had growth and call it a day. But, that doesn't help you. If you say you want a percentage of growth for a product or service by a certain date you can work with that. You have enough direction to reach that goal and come up with a plan and be accountable for it. Having this written down is the first step to holding yourself accountable. It also helps your accountability partner asses your goals too.

Accountability Partner Equals Having A Boss

Many business owners go into business to work for themselves.

True, there is a certain freedom to not having a boss. You don't have to report to anyone. However, an accountability partner isn't a boss. They are a trusted advisor of your choosing to hold you accountable to the goals you made for your business. (You can return the favor by being an accountability partner to one of your peers) This does not make them a boss. A boss creates your SMART goals to align with the company or their own goals. In addition, your boss may not be someone of your choosing. A boss does not have your business goals in mind they have the company goals in mind. An accountability partner does not meet any of the ‘boss' criteria.

Running a business is tough and rewarding work. By neglecting SMART goals you are simply treading water in the business you invested so much to create. Don't let that happen to you. Making time to create SMART goals is a contribution to your business you can not afford to let go. Ready to hit the ground running on these goals, but don't know where to start? Download our free template to help you create your personalized SMART goals and skyrocket your success.

At The Friedman Group LLC, we are inbound marketing specialists. We understand all processes of search engine optimization and are excited to help you grow your business through inbound and social media marketing. Contact us today.

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