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Marketing For Lawyers: Overstated Or Understated

Inbound Marketing For Lawyers: Overstated Or Understated?

In general, one tends to associate marketing more with products than services. You often hear about companies which make products like clothes, cosmetics, etc. having a marketing department. But you don't always hear about a doctor or a lawyer's office having a marketing department.

This doesn't mean people who provide services can't benefit from marketing. They can, especially if they use inbound marketing because this type of marketing is not persuasive. It doesn't try to coerce the customer into doing anything. It only seeks to inform them so they can make the best decision.

Practicing inbound marketing is like putting your best foot forward. This is something that people regularly do when they go for interviews or when they want to make a good impression on someone. And it's also something that lawyers can identify with because the law is a profession which depends greatly on making a good impression on the judge or jury. So here are a few tips for lawyers to practice inbound marketing:

Overstated vs. Understated

When it comes to services, most people try to be understated. This is understandable. As a lawyer or a doctor, you don't want to come across as too flashy. You want to look professional. However, there's such a thing as being too understated. After all, you also want people to know about your achievements.

So make sure you include all your achievements when you set up your website. Although you may not want your entire website to be full of badges and accomplishments, you don't want to avoid writing about these either. You want your firm to come across as impressive without sounding like you're bragging. Try to find a middle ground between being overstated and understated.

Being Up-to-Date

The laws may not always be changing, but they do change from time to time as new laws are approved (Think, marijuana). You need to let your clients know you're in touch with what's going on in the legal world, especially as it relates to your specialty. So make sure you address current legal issues in your blog and social media.

At the same time, you can try to make your blog post, newsletter or white paper, more layman-friendly by avoiding the use of jargon. Most people have trouble figuring out legalese, and they appreciate it when someone simplifies things for them. If you can do that, then they'll be more likely to use your services. I once worked with a senior partner who thought any filing less than 10 pages was unacceptable. We constantly argued about my definition of the word “brief.”

Friendly Professionalism

Many people are only going to need the services of a lawyer when they're in legal trouble. Maybe they've been accused of a crime. Or maybe they're victims of a crime. Either way, chances are something negative has happened in their life, and they're trying to rectify it. Others use attorneys in their business to draft contracts, leases, or to perform other business related tasks.

Regardless, people need reassurance everything is going to be alright. This might be something a lawyer has already perfected in real life, with a friendly and professional manner. But it's also something you need to approximate in your digital marketing efforts, by the use of positive, professional language which is still approachable to the layperson. The photos and images you use can also help to convey this impression. So can the color scheme of the website. Just remember the more friendly yet professional you seem, the more successful your inbound marketing efforts will be.

Enhancing Company Image

In general, inbound marketing involves setting up and updating a website, blog and social media pages. It involves giving your prospective clients something of value for free in order to develop a relationship and be helpful. But you also need to make sure your online presence adds to your overall company image rather than detracting from it. The way in which you present yourself is as important as your real-world achievements when it comes to attracting new customers.

For more information about inbound marketing tips for law firms, or to schedule your free digital marketing consultation, please call 720.248.8185, e-mail info@friedmansocialmedia.com, or click here.

Please note: The Friedman Group is an inbound marketing agency based in Denver, Colorado, and we work with professionals and business owners across the U.S. Our digital marketing services include: inbound marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and digital marketing strategy and implementation.

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