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Apple Rolls Out New Mobile iOS7

Screen shot 2013-07-11 at 1.55.36 PMThe introduction of iOS7 is a major change for Apple’s mobile products. The new interface not only looks different, but has been designed to feel different as well. iOS7  has incorporated animations and Ken Burns-style transitions, which have been described as modern and slightly disorienting. Apple has literally redesigned every inch of its iOS in this latest version. With the exception of the App Store and iTunes store, it feels like a completely different interface. Colors, icons, and fonts have changed, leaving Apple seeming newer and more hip than ever.

As we have seen throughout Apple’s history, this is not the first time this company has made a major change to a product or a user interface. That’s not to say there have not been kinks and issues that have needed to be worked out along to way- but one thing remains constant: Apple is constantly changing, innovating and fighting to stay on top.

How Will Users React?

The introduction of iOS7 will be interesting to watch. Will people like it or is this too big of a change for them? Will this possibly be similar to the introduction of Mac OS X where users moaned and groaned and took a long time to adjust to the changes?

Apple's website notes, “With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS7 is the world’s most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced form.” How do you, as a user, feel about this? When I look over iOS7 I am really excited for the changes to come. But I can't help but think of the many people in older generations who are just getting used to using the Apple products they have learned to love. With iOS7, a great deal will change and they will be forced to start all over again. Will Apple be losing a portion of their target market? Or are we all being forced to keep up? Or, do you think this is only going to effect new purchases and some people won't need to adapt because they won't know any other system.

Let us know what you think! And check out iOS7 here

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