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Back to the LinkedIn Basics

Sometimes we get so caught up in everything going on around us, we make things more difficult than need to be. This is easy to do with all the different social networks, each with its own set of rules and means by which we are to “socialize.” With that in mind, I write to bring you back to the LinkedIn basics. Keep these 8 tips in mind, and you will be able to stay on track and make your LinkedIn experience all the more rewarding. If you are willing to share some tips of your own, please leave them in the comments.

1. I can’t emphasize enough how critical your LinkedIn profile is to your success on LinkedIn. Your profile is what people see first. You must put your best face forward. You only have one chance to make a first impression. SPEND A LOT OF TIME PERFECTING YOUR PROFILE!

2. In order for people to find you on LinkedIn you must employ search engine optimization techniques within your profile. Before doing anything, determine what keywords, relevant to your work and industry, will help you get found in search results. Once these words are determined, don’t be shy about using them throughout your profile.

3. What separates LinkedIn from other social networks is its advanced search function. Use it often, and assume others are too. Use it to narrow in on what or who you are looking for. Craft your profile so you appear in results when others are searching too.

4. I emphasize tips 1-3 above because LinkedIn allows participants to view profiles of other members within three degrees of separation from each other. Creating a robust profile and employing SEO techniques will increase the ability of people to see you and will help you build your network.

5. The same is true for LinkedIn Groups. Join ‘em, and the actively participate in ‘em. This is a tremendous way to build credibility and grow your network. Be sure you join groups relevant to your work and actively participate in each group you join. Add relevant information to the discussion. Don’t spam the group.

6. The same holds true for LinkedIn Answers. Peruse LinkedIn Answers often. Find relevant questions and provide the answer. Do so with a goal of getting ranked as the best answer and having LinkedIn declare that you are the “Expert.”

7. Connect with as many qualified people as you can. Connect with people who have a lot of connections. You can send direct connections messages and email whenever you wish. Do so, to stay top-of-mind and to receive introductions to new connections.

8. Be sure people know where else they can find and connect with you. Let people know how to find you on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

Stick with it. This is not a situation where “If you build it, they will come.” You need to devote a substantial amount of time to build a strong LinkedIn presence, to build trust and credibility, and to grow your network with qualified connections. Do this and you will be rewarded for your efforts.

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