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Best Practices for Insurance Marketing

Five Best Practices For Insurance Marketing Through Social Media

Understanding The Best Practices for Insurance Marketing With Social Media

Social media offers a number of challenges for those in the insurance business, but it is not impossible!  There are a number of ways for brokers to improve insurance marketing through the use of social media; allow us to share the best five ways we have seen.

Share Your Community Outreach Activities.

Best Practices for Insurance MarketingIf your office participates in community and socially responsible activities, such as raising money for Type I diabetes or walk for heart research, tell everyone all about it on your Facebook page. Invite people to make donations through your website and link the announcement on Facebook to your website donation page.

Communicate with Customers.

It turns out that Twitter is the most important communication channel for customers, giving them a clean and simple way to communicate their comments/concerns to their individual brokers. Of course, Twitter is a two-way street. Your response time is just as important to the process. The most successful companies that use Twitter as a channel to customers have dedicated staff to respond to inquiries/complaints/concerns that show up on Twitter. Being able to respond within an hour or so can make the critical difference between a satisfied customer and a former customer who feels you did not listen.

Make Your Message Memorable.

Successful messages are those that customers listen to all the way through and remember later. Insurance companies like Allstate and Geico are masters at this art. Their mascots and spokespersons are funny, entertaining, interesting, and definitely memorable. Their ads keep identification with the company's message and stay in the viewer's mind.

Fit Your Message to the Platform.

Facebook leaves room for lengthy messages but Twitter limits the number of allowable characters and spaces. Twitter compensates for the short Twitter messages with hashtags that link similar texts together in a searchable format. Twitter is a useful language platform if you create a catchy hashtag phrase that encapsulates your message.  Regardless of the social media platform you choose, make sure you are crafting your messages to fit that platform and their audience.

Make Messages That Share Easily.

Insurance Business research showed that 14% of insurance brokers chose Facebook as their social media partner. One of the major advantages to becoming involved in the world of social media is that users share content with each other. When writing for social media you want to create content that people want to pass along to their friends and family.

Your social media users will become your product ambassadors. Instead of sharing the latest cat videos, you want them to share your message. You want social media users to want to share your message with their networks because it is either so informative that they do not want their friends to miss the message, or it is too entertaining to miss. The most successful are a winning combination of both.
Social media is no longer something that insurance brokers can ignore, but creating a winning strategy for it can feel overwhelming.  Fortunately, there are many resources out there to get ideas and inspiration, and when all else fails, we are always here to help you craft a killer social media strategy for your insurance business.

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