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You’ve Got To “Work” LinkedIn To See Results!

Are you one of the 160+ million users of LinkedIn? Did you get involved to grow your business? Are you hoping to grow your business by growing your LinkedIn network? It's not going to happen if you're not going to work it! So, if you aren't willing to spend some time every single week on LinkedIn, stop reading now. Go do something you are willing to do. If you are, however, willing to spend some time on LinkedIn, every single week, here are a few strategies to help you grow your LinkedIn network. (more…)

Cloud Storage Options Are Many

Most of my clients are talking about cloud storage and the various services being offered “in the cloud.” Financial services providers, for example, are wondering where they are going to store all the social media and other data FINRA regulations require them to store. Law firms, accounting firms and small businesses are wondering if they need to be spending money on hardware and software or on storage and other cloud services. Firms are establishing specialties in providing virtual business solutions for their clients. Cloud storage/services is a topic that is becoming more and more important and we are helping you analyze your options. (more…)

MSSB Brokers May Access LinkedIn, Twitter

Word is, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney (MSSB) is allowing all its financial advisers to participate in Twitter and LinkedIn. Last year, it announced plans to open social media use to its advisers. The first step of the plan was to allow 600 advisers to use Twitter and LinkedIn in some capacity–now the firm's roughly 17,000 financial advisers will be able to use the social-media sites. Lauren Boyman, MSSB's director of social media said that during the pilot program, LinkedIn helped advisers win more business. (more…)

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