by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice, Social Media
Volunteers are in high demand. Smart nonprofit organizations recognize they need skilled individuals from the for-profit world to help them accomplish their goals. Luckily many corporations now emphasize volunteerism and are actively looking for opportunities to demonstrate their good corporate citizenship credentials. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice, Social Media
It’s no longer a shock to see lawyers, or any other professionals, advertising online. According to LexisNexis, 76% of people search online to find an attorney. Furthermore, 60% of adult internet users will need an attorney at some point in their lives. Advertising your legal services is not only acceptable, it’s the new norm. With this in mind, lawyers need to keep in mind the internet is fluid and permanent at the same time. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Inbound marketing is the process of advertising your financial services firm through published content in order to turn strangers into friends, and friends into promoters of your firm. Here are three inbound marketing tools that, if used consistently, can set you apart from the rest of the pack. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media |
Ever since its birth in 2011, many people just plain hate Google+ or view it with outright disgust. Seen as the search giant’s attempt to muscle into the social media market, many felt that Google+ was unpolished, redundant, and obscure. But, in just a few short years, Google+ has become an important part of the social media landscape and plays an increasingly vital role in search engine optimization and social media marketing. So, while many people may hate Google+, it is time for you to learn to love it! (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media |
Google Authorship. Have you ever noticed a page of search results with a picture of the author next to some of them? Were you wishing that your picture could be next to your article? If so, you are already familiar with the benefits of Google Authorship. So what is Google Authorship exactly and how can it improve my site’s SEO? (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media |
Google Hummingbird, a new search algorithm used by Google, was formally introduced last September even though Google starting using Hummingbird in August. The primary stated reason for this update is for Google to provide more relevant search results. (more…)