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4 Tools For Vibrant Social Media

This week's Guest Post is written by Anny Solway, a writer at ThemeFuse. She likes to discover new ideas about internet marketing, social media and blogging.

The rise of social media has led to many opportunities for small businesses to reach consumers directly. With a professional website done with any number of WordPress themes combined with social media, a business is going to get maximum value from their web presence. Because these social media pages allow a business to show their personality and relay an unfiltered message directly to consumers, it can be a great way to produce brand loyalty and reinforce bonds between the business and existing customers while fostering new relationships. Some tools exists that can help make your social media marketing campaign a bit easier to run while making your sites look their best, enticing customers visually and with great content. (more…)

Crowd Funding Campaign for The Unbuntu Edge Fails

Screen shot 2013-08-20 at 8.30.04 AMRecently in the news there was a lot of talk about a smart phone that was on its' way to setting the largest crowd funding record ever. The smartphone is called the Unbuntu Edge, and its’ campaign raised nearly $12.8 million. The device that previous held the record for the largest crowd funding record was The Pebble Watch Campaign. The Pebble Watch campaign was ran by Kickstarter, and the product was a smartwatch that raised close to 10.3 million in funding. (more…)

Review: Social Media For The Executive

Photo by Brad Friedman

Photo by Brad Friedman

I recently received a copy of Brian E. Boyd Sr.'s Social Media for the Executive: Maximize Your Brand and Monetize Your Business, with a note telling me to enjoy reading the book and suggesting that if I were so inclined, maybe I would write something about it. Seemed like a pretty risky approach to get some publicity, so I thought I'd take him up on his offer and write this review. I don't know Brian or anything more about him than what I read in the book and the letter that came with the book when it was sent to me. From all appearances, we're competitors and I read the book with the critical eye of a competitor. (more…)

4 Tips To Successfully Use Pinterest For Your Business

Screen shot 2013-07-26 at 10.04.15 AMPinterest is worth $2 billion and has an estimated 25 million users, most of which are Female. Marketers are discovering Pinterest is a social media outlet that can be used for many Businesses, especially more visual ones. I have a hard time thinking of ways that an accountant, insurance agent, or attorney could use Pinterest, but for more visual businesses, such as photography, advertising, restaurants and design firms, this social media site could be quite useful. (more…)

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