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How Digital Marketing Is Used In The Banking Industry

How Digital Marketing Is Used In The Banking Industry

The banking industry is no different than any other industry. Whether you're a credit union, a bank, an investment firm, or any other small financial business, you have to consider how to benefit from digital marketing. Understanding inbound marketing can ensure that you're getting the market saturation that you need.

Inbound marketing uses content and community outreach to capture people's attention and bring them to your website or a specific landing page. Examples of inbound marketing include:

  • Blogs
  • Web content
  • Social media
  • Email marketing

You can use all sorts of inbound marketing to be more active in getting promising leads to your landing pages. Even if you're still using print media, it's a passive way to market your products or services. You need to market specifically to a particular audience. Developing a niche within the banking industry can be particularly useful.

Understand The Trends

It's important to review the banking industry outlook so that you know more about what people want as well as how the industry is changing.

When you're in front of the trends instead of behind them, you can make sure that your customers know that you're capable of taking good care of them.

Establish trust with your target audience by identifying that you have what it takes to mitigate cyber risks. Additionally, focus on customer centricity so that potential customers will know that you are going to put them first. Create various marketing campaigns that focus on examples of how you go above and beyond and deliver a better customer experience.

Additionally, be sure that you introduce the technology that you are utilizing within your business. More and more technology is being introduced into the banking industry, including blockchains and cognitive automation. Identify apps that you have and the features that can be used to provide people with convenience as well as greater control over their finances.

Introduce Inbound Marketing Campaigns

Inbound marketing has proven that it works. You'll want to consider The 10,000 Hour Rule when working on marketing. Malcolm Gladwell once said that it takes working 10,000 hours in a field to be truly great. While you don't necessarily need to work with inbound marketing for 10,000 hours to be good at it, you do need to begin introducing different campaigns. Then, be sure to track the analytics to learn what does and does not work for your target audience.

There are a few tips that you should follow:

  • Use different channels (such as email marketing, Facebook, and a blog
  • Ask loyal customers to leave reviews of your financial services
  • Take advantage of content marketing with website landing pages and a blog
  • Humanize your brand so that people know that you're not a nameless business
  • Know your customer

The more you know your customer, the easier it will be to create inbound marketing strategies that work. If you know your customer, you can create content that appeals to their needs. You can choose graphics that they connect with.

Take the time to identify not only the demographics of your target audience but their pain points and concerns. A target market profile will help you to define who your audience is so you can get a better ROI with your marketing campaigns.

A lot of work goes into inbound marketing. However, once you know more about who will be using your banking/financial services, it will allow you to create more effective strategies. Remember, too, that not all content has to be produced in-house.

For more information about inbound marketing tips for the banking industry, or to schedule your free digital marketing consultation, please call 720.248.8185, e-mail info@friedmansocialmedia.com, or click here.

Please note: The Friedman Group is an inbound marketing agency based in Denver, Colorado, and we work with professionals and business owners across the U.S. Our digital marketing services include: inbound marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and digital marketing strategy and implementation.

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