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Inbound Marketing For Doctors: How To Attract New Patients

Doctors Need A Strong Online Presence

Doctors need a strong online presence. You can't convince me otherwise. I know, medicine is considered a “noble profession.” As a result, not a lot of doctors realize marketing is important in this profession too. How else are you going to let people know about your practice? How else can you inform them about the services you offer? You do realize social media is the new word-of-mouth marketing. Right?

Some doctors work with a high-end clientele, such as plastic surgeons. Some provide discounted medical services to those who need them (and some doctors do a mix of the two). Either way, you still need to let people know who you are, where you're located and why you are the doctor they need to see.

Doctors Need A Strong Online PresenceAnd for this, you need to start with a website. If you add a blog and social media pages which are being constantly updated, you'll find you have a lot more traffic. So you'll end up with more patients.

Outbound vs. Inbound Marketing For Doctors

Depending on your needs, you might want to practice a combination of outbound and inbound marketing methods or just inbound marketing methods, which are low-key but very effective.

  • Outbound Marketing: This method usually involve advertisements in newspapers and magazines, advertisements on TV or on websites, email marketing etc. However, many doctors prefer not to be too aggressive in their marketing. Plastering your name everywhere might have the opposite effect than you intended.
  • Inbound Marketing: This method gives you the opportunity to market your services but still maintain a low profile. Rather than reaching out to your patients, you wait until they come to you. This happens after you share an eBook or other information with prospective patients.
  • Website, Blog and Social Media Pages: No matter how the patient receives the referral, the end result is the same: they usually perform a Google search. And when they do this, they ought to be able to find at least a website, preferably a blog and social media pages too. Keep in mind, your LinkedIn profile will always appear in the top 3-5 search results. Together, these three make up a solid  digital marketing campaign, especially if they're constantly being updated.

How To Keep Your Online Presence Welcoming, Reassuring And Professional

When the prospective patient visits your website, the first thing they're looking for is a respected doctor. Someone well-known in their field. In order to convince them of this, make sure your website has a quiet but inviting look. Also make sure consenting patient testimonials can easily be found. Don't forget about HIIPA compliance here.

  • Welcoming, Yet Professional: It's not a good idea to have websites which are too loud, garish or busy because this is the number one thing that will turn people off when they're looking for a doctor. Instead, stick to neutral blues and greys with a few added pops of color. Present your practice in a welcoming yet professional way.
  • Reassuring and Encouraging: Another thing people are looking for in a doctor is a good bedside manner. They want to be told everything will be ok. Or, they want to be told everything won't be okay by someone who is empathetic. Not some robot speaking to them with medical terms that mean nothing and sound scary. Let patients know you and your assistants care about what's going to happen to them. Not only will you provide them with the best level of care available, you'll also do so with a smile. Most people are already nervous about going to a doctor. Why make things worse for them?
  • Truthful: Remember, you don't have to say anything untruthful, or minimize problems that might be serious. However, the tone you use in your voice and your writing can make people feel more comfortable.

Contact us for more inbound and digital marketing tips for your medical practice.

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