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Ep 039: Giving Customers Too Many Choices May Result In Fewer Sales

Giving Customers Too Many Choices May Result In Less Sales

Ep 039: Giving Customers Too Many Choices May Result In Fewer Sales

by Brad Friedman

Giving Customers Too Many Choices May Result In Fewer Sales

When you shop, are you more likely to make a purchase if you have more choices? Or, before you buy, do you prefer to narrow down the choices before making a decision? It seems logical to think if you offer customers more choices, they will purchase more. However, the opposite may be true. Find out about the findings of a university study on tis topic. In this episode of the Digital Slice podcast, I take a deep dive into an important sales tactic, and I share a personal story with you too.

In this Episode:

  • How to grow your business when you marketing and sales teams are working together as a team
  • How giving customers too many choices can lessen sales
  • A university study illustrating how providing too many choices can overwhelm customers
  • How providing more choices is attractive at first but can make buying decisions difficult for customers
  • How to apply this sales concept to digital marketing
  • My personal life-changing experience in helping my daughter pick her wedding dress
  • How helping your customers narrow their choices down helps them decide what to purchase

Quotes from this Episode:
“I’m a firm believer that your business’ success lies in the ability of your marketing team to work together with your sales team. Break down the silos!” - Brad Friedman
“I like to think of marketing as something that elicits a response from a lead.” - Brad Friedman
“Contrary to popular belief, too many choices can be bad for sales.” - Brad Friedman
“The fewer choices you give them, the easier it will be to make a choice.” - Brad Friedman
“But what could be more special for a dad than to have the honor of being with his daughter when she chooses the dress she will be married in. I can’t even describe how I felt or how incredible the experience affected our father-daughter relationship.” - Brad Friedman
“She had the sales tactic down. She limited our choices, and my daughter walked away with one or two dresses in mind.” - Brad Friedman


When Choice is Demotivating: Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing?

Brad Friedman




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Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman

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