I will likely write more on this later, but wanted to put up a link to Mark Zuckerberg's blog post entitled Making Control Simple as well as a link to Facebook's new Privacy Guide. Frankly, these are pretty big changes made in a short period of time. Of course, it took an uproar from users to make it happen, but still…..If you want even more details, here's a link to an article describing Mr. Zuckerberg's remarks during a telephone conference call earlier today. I'm certain this isn't the last we'll hear of this Facebook privacy issue. One last thought. Zuckerberg notes in the conference call that Facebook users “want to share information.” With this I agree. People knowingly sign up for Facebook with the intent to share information. I agree we should have some control over what other people can see. More importantly though, I think each of has has full control over what we post on Facebook or any other social media site. Shouldn't we have to take some responsibility for the content we post? Really, how fair is it to blame Facebook if we put the information on the site to begin with. No one ever had the idea this was their private, personal website that no one else would ever see. Maybe all this hoopla should give the 400 million Facebook users something to think about before they post the next photo album or status update. I always told my kids they should never put anything on Facebook they didn't want me, or a potential employer to see. Maybe that was good advice after all.