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Financial Professionals: 6 Tips To Optimize Your LinkedIn Presence

linedin_logo 1 and financial professionalsWith over 250 million LinkedIn members, it's more important than ever for financial professionals to have an optimized profile as the foundation of your LinkedIn presence. More and more financial professionals are getting involved with LinkedIn and social media. If you want to be found by your clients, prospects and referral sources, you need to follow these 6 tips.

Is That Really A Financial Professional?

Would you put that headshot of you on your website, your email newsletter or your company brochure? Make sure the headshot on your profile is professional. It doesn't necessarily have to be taken by a professional, but it needs to look professional.

Customize your URL

Take advantage of the opportunity LinkedIn provides to customize your URL. It's much easier for you to tell people to connect with you at www.linkedin.com/in/bfriedman instead of linkedin.com/bfriedman/2348766381274

Be Mindful Of The Regs

You know the SEC and FINRA have promulgated a number of regulations financial professionals MUST follow if you want to be a LinkedIn member or be active on any social network. Check with your Compliance Office before making changes to your profile or opening an account. Manage Endorsements and Recommendations in accordance with the regulations. Be smart about this!

Don't Be A Wallflower

Join groups, regularly post status updates and share content others post. It's really that simple. Schedule a short amount of time every day to participate in the LinkedIn community and watch your network grow, along with your credibility. Broaden your horizons. Don't just join groups where other financial professionals may be found. Join regional groups too, for example.

Use Video And Images

People respond to video and images. Use 'em. Not on every status update. But, use 'em to grab people's attention to the products and services you offer. Use video to share a quick case study or success story.

Optimize Everything

Do you want to stand out and get found on LinkedIn? Optimize everything you can. Use Google AdWords or another keyword tool to determine keywords people are using to search for financial professionals like you. Then sprinkle those words through your profile. Use these keywords in the content you create to share on LinkedIn. Complete 100% of your profile. LinkedIn statistics tell us that people with complete profiles are much more likely to grow their networks and benefit from LinkedIn.

LinkedIn can be a powerful tool in your marketing tool shed. Used properly, you can grow your network of clients, prospects and referral sources while growing your business and generating revenue. Take the time to do it right. Put your best foot forward. Stay compliant.

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