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Google Glass: The Prototype

Google Glass

Google Glass

Google Glass, the new revolutionary glasses made by Google are the talk of the social media world. Although these glasses are not being sold to the general public yet, many prototypes are out in the hands of regular people like you and me. So now that these prototypes are out in the hands of real people and being used in everyday life, what is everyone thinking? For starters, a pair of the glasses cost $1500, which in my opinion is way too much money for the average person to spend on a pair of glasses.

Real Life Reactions

I recently saw a YouTube video of a man walking through Central Park wearing a pair of Google Glass. He interviewed people on their opinions of the glasses. Many thought they looked weird and they would probably only invest in them if they looked like regular glasses. Many others thought they seemed creepy because while using the glasses, it may seem that you are staring into open space, or even staring at a stranger.

Google’s Project Glass page quotes, “We’re inviting a small group of Explorers to help us discover the full potential of Glass. Follow us on our journey, and help us shape the future.”

Naturally, many of these explorers include Google employees. While researching glass, I found a very interesting youtube video demonstrating how Google searches work while wearing the glasses. Here’s a video that explains it far better than I ever could:

After watching this video, I would love to get the chance to wear these glasses around for a day. Have any of you been lucky enough to try them out? What do you think? Let us know! We are looking forward to watching where these glasses go in the months ahead. One thing is for sure, “when everyone has one of these [Google Glass], life will be more nerdy.”  - Pete Pachal, Mashable.com

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