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Growth Hacking Strategies For Small Businesses With Small Budgets With Jon Ferrara [PODCAST]

Growth Hacking Strategies For Small Businesses With Small Budgets With Jon Ferrara [PODCAST]

What can you as a small business do to create a big impact? Often, your resources are limited. And when it comes to marketing, there is only so much your time and resources can do.

But, what if you can use what you already have, your abilities, expertise, and other strengths, to let people know how willing you are to help them learn about your small business? Surely you will find you actually have a lot to share. And when you start sharing to the world, your customers will give back to you by trusting your business.
In the full podcast, Jon Ferrara, CEO of Nimble shares his Top 10 Growth Hacking Strategies For Small Businesses With Small Budgets. Here are 4 of them!

Build Your Personal Brand

Growth Hacking Strategies For Small Businesses With Small Budgets With Jon Ferrara [PODCAST]The first growth-hacking strategy focuses on building your personal brand. Building your personal brand does not mean you constantly run around bragging about who you are or what you do. More than anything, it means sharing who you are and how you can help them. How you can add value to their lives. By genuinely want to help others, you build a personal brand people want to do business with.

For example, spend more time listening instead of talking about yourself. Go ahead and try to inspire people on a daily basis by sharing inspirational content and your general industry knowledge. If you do this consistently, they will see you as their trusted adviser; reach out to, and even bring along their network of family and friends.

Jon Ferrara says, “Your personal brand helps people to see you.” And, you must be seen to stay top of mind. Stand out from the noise that is your competitors and give away your knowledge to help other people in whatever way you can.

Use the various social media platforms to connect to people in a personalized manner and build your personal brand by sharing who you are. Talk about your passions, interests, and anything else that is not always connected to your corporate life or your business. Jon suggests sharing the 5 F’s of your life: Family, Friends, Food, Fun, and Fellowship. In this way, you can show people your softer, human side. People want to see the side of you they can relate to and give them a reason to connect to you.

Identify The Influencers In Your Industry

The second growth-hacking strategy pertains to identifying influencers in and around your products and services and then sharing their content. The goal is for you to humanize your brand, make you more approachable, and move your relationships with prospects and customers onto a personal level.

One effective way for you to do this is to share both personal information as well as helpful business information. On the professional side, you need to find the influencers in your industry or niche. There are methods and tools you can make use of in this endeavor. Try using hashtags as you look for these people. Typically, when they post, they will hashtag according to their expertise and so the best way to find them is to use hashtags as well.

Tools like BuzzSumo are useful in searching keywords as you research related content and influencers. You can also check out a Chrome extension called Zest.is to curate content and focus in on influencers in your industry.

Share The Content Of The Influencers

The third strategy is to share the influencers’ content. Your mission doesn’t end after you have identified who the influencers are. You have to find out what hashtags they’re using and then curate their content and choose what you want to share. There are many different tools out there to help you do this and Jon mentions a few in the podcast.

Connect With The Influencers And Engage With Their Content

It isn’t good enough to simply share content if you want your small business to level up and grow. You need to socialize with the influencers themselves in order to expand your network and ultimately, do more business.

As you become consistent with sharing their content, the influencers themselves will start to recognize your efforts and will be interested in getting to know you more. Remember, they too are looking to expand their network and the best way to do this is to interact and engage with more people.

Eventually, you become an important person to the influencer. Then you start warmly engaging with the influencer. To help you along this line, you can use Nimble https://nimble.com to connect with specific influencers and track those communications. Nimble can be helpful in tracking your communications with prospects, leads and clients too.

I hope you’ll take the time to listen to the entire podcast with Jon Ferrara. You’re sure to discover a wealth of value bombs you can use to grow your business.

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