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How Are You Using LinkedIn?

How you use LinkedIn depends on what you are trying to achieve and who you want to connect with. LinkedIn is the place to be if you want to grow your network of professional contacts. With more than 100 million members who have an average income of more than $100,000, LinkedIn is the social network to use to help you build your stable of professional contacts. If you want to network with serious decision makers then LinkedIn is the place to be. And, here are some tips to help you generate business opportunities.

    • At least once or twice a week you have to commit to use LinkedIn to connect with current and former people you know. The goal is for people to have you in mind when an opportunity arises and your skill set is required.
    • Every month, commit to join a couple LinkedIn Groups. The goal is to increase visibility while building trust and credibility. LinkedIn Groups are also a great way to grow your network. Joining a LinkedIn Group is just the beginning. You have to participate in the Group on a regular basis. Starting and participating in discussions gets your name in front of people and lets them know you are a thought leader.
    • Participate in LinkedIn Answers by answering several questions every week.

Remember, your goal is build your network with new connections, strengthen existing relationships and position yourself as a trusted, credible thought leader so people want to provide you with leads and business opportunities.

Take a look at this Infographic to see how other executives are using LinkedIn.

Infographic by Lab42 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License

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