This is a Guest Post by Lisa Mason
I recently read a blog post by a friend of mine about how she does Twitter. It was a simple list of 10 things she does with her Twitter account. Inspired by my dear friend Lori Moreno, I am creating my own list for “How I Do Twitter.”
- Connect daily with friends in short, concise messages. I LOVE to hear from my followers, even if it’s just a “hi”.
- Follow news and catch breaking news as it happens.
- Answer social media and content marketing questions via a platform that allows everyone access to me, even if not connected on other networks.
- Using hashtags to keep up with specific groups of friends like #bearwithme and #MTSM.
- Using hashtags to connect with people and content that interests me.
- Creating and participating in social media events (liveblogging, tweetchats, etc).
- I enjoy RTing content that captures my interest and that I know my followers will probably like, too.
- Like my friend Lori, I also love connecting people. Twitter lets me do that easily and the best part? People refer and connect me as well!
- Supporting others- sharing articles and blogs, tweeting for causes (like autism and breast health) and tweeting fundraisers like this one for my friend Andrew who needs a hospital bed.
- Customer service and brand connecting – When I like new features of Triberr, I tweet to Dino Dogan (and he replies every time). When I learn something new from Mari Smith, I might tweet her to say thanks (she is really active on Twitter and appreciates the shout-outs). When I try a new product, have a great customer service experience or just feel that a person or brand has impacted my life, Twitter gives me the platform to reach out and tell someone.
Twitter lets me share a little piece of my day. My Twitter stream is a smorgasbord of everything that makes me ME. Articles I like, friends I talk to, places I visit, new products I try – all are available on Twitter for me to share, reply and otherwise interact.
So tell me, how do YOU do Twitter?
Say hello on Twitter @somedsatisfied!