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4 Tips To Successfully Use Pinterest For Your Business

Screen shot 2013-07-26 at 10.04.15 AMPinterest is worth $2 billion and has an estimated 25 million users, most of which are Female. Marketers are discovering Pinterest is a social media outlet that can be used for many Businesses, especially more visual ones. I have a hard time thinking of ways that an accountant, insurance agent, or attorney could use Pinterest, but for more visual businesses, such as photography, advertising, restaurants and design firms, this social media site could be quite useful.

Spreading the Word With Pictures

Pinterest is arguably one of the most visual social media sites out there. The entire site is a completion of “pins” that are visually stimulating in one way or another. So for a business person who is trying to get the word out about a new product or idea, what better way is there to do that than to create a pin about it and visually share it with friends! Of course, the hope is your friends will then share your Pin with their friends and they will do the same until hundreds and thousands of people have seen your Pin, visited your website and purchased your product.

Tips For Using Pinterest for Your Business

  1. Make Sure Pinterest is Right for Your Business
  2. Like I said before, Pinterest is a very visual site. If this does not cater to your company’s products or services then this is not the right social media outlet for you. Pinterest caters to those with aesthetically pleasing products such as clothes, jewelry, and photography.

  3. Keep it Simple
  4. One of the main appeals of Pinterest is the fact that it is so easy to use. Whatever it is that you are marketing, have a clear picture of it, and make sure that viewers will be aware that your product is connected to your business. Connect a link to your business’ website to the picture you put on Pinterest. It is very important that users are easily able to connect your Pinterest page and your business page.

  5. Post More Than Just Products!
  6. Many businesses are tempted to post pins that are only products that their company is selling. It is important for Pinterest users to know that you are attempting to do more than simply sell your product. For this reason, it is essential that a company shares other users pins and posts other companies products in order to maintain a good reputation on the site.

  7. Follow the Most Popular Pinners
  8. One of the best ways to get people to find out about your company or product through this site is to follow the big names on Pinterest, especially the big names in your business field. This same idea is seen with Twitter, when you follow a popular figure and they follow you back, other users can see this message and follow the leader. It’s very important to find out who is following you, or “pinning” your products, and to follow them to see if they follow you back.

    What are you using Pinterest for? For fun, for business, or for both?! Let us know!

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