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The Digital Slice Podcast Ep 005

How to Use Live Streaming to Grow Your Brand [Podcast]

This Week's The Digital Slice Podcast “How to Use Live Streaming to Grow Your Brand: with LivestreamUniverse.com Creator and Owner Ross Brand is live!

It’s harder now than ever before for content creators and marketers to engage their audience. Before, having an entertaining or helpful and fairly well-written blog with some eye-catching images gave almost anybody a good chance of building a loyal following. Not anymore.

There are now hundreds of millions of blogs, so the competition’s pretty stiff. If you manage to stand out and reach your target audience, there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to hold their attention long enough to make a connection.

As if this doesn't make growing your brand hard enough, you also need to remember the preference of most of us for how we consume content has changed.The Digital Slice Podcast Ep 005 While bloggers do everything they possibly can to write better and better, more and more readers are becoming viewers, and I've predicted before that video will soon become the medium of choice. (A quick aside. I'm not telling you to stop blogging. I believe you MUST continue to regularly and consistently publish blog posts. Live video and video in general, is something I suggest you do in addition to blogging).

How do you stay in the game? Start live streaming, as LivestreamUniverse.com Creator and Owner Ross Brand explained to me during our interview on Facebook.

An On-Air Personality Turned Live-Streaming Celebrity, Guru And Advocate

“Having that digital footprint will often set you apart from everybody else you’re competing with,” Ross said.

Ross has always been passionate about broadcasting. Before launching LivestreamUniverse.com, where he features fellow broadcasters and brands, he was a show host and reporter. Ross got into live streaming in 2015, when he began watching shows on the once popular Blab platform. He created his very own live-streaming channel on Twitter, @livestreamuni, where he shares news and live-stream broadcasts. It was a success, garnering 500 followers in just 8 days.

Aside from running LivestreamUniverse.com, Ross produces high-quality content using other live-streaming platforms. He is not just one of the millions of live streamers who have successfully built faithful audiences. He is fondly referred to as “The Mayor of Livestream.”

Why Live Streaming Works For Business

Why is live streaming effective in attracting subscribers and potential clients? We’ve already mentioned that many people have become so impatient that they would rather watch a video than read a blog post. But that isn’t all there is to live streaming’s effectiveness. So long as you feature yourself or your employees in your live streams, the videos make your brand appear more authentic and relatable to your target audience. Authentic and relatable are traits many customers now look for in the businesses they do business with.

Well-prepared, well-researched and well-written blog posts can do that. But since most people prefer visual content, well-made live streams let your business connect with your customers better than any blog post can.

Check out my interview with Ross to learn how live streaming can take your brand to the next level—and more

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