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Implement an Effective Inbound Marketing Strategy To Survive

inbound marketing, inbound marketing strategy, inbound marketing friedman groupIf you want to do business online, it is essential to have an effective inbound marketing strategy. Inbound marketing utilizes new forms of marketing such as blogs, social media, and pay-per-click advertising to directly appeal to your target audience. In contrast, outbound marketing is where marketers try to find customers through cold-calling, radio, sales flyers and TV advertisements; this type of marketing appeals to a much larger audience and is typically more costly.

Establish Your Inbound Marketing Goals

In order to determine what type of inbound marketing strategy your company will use, it is important to determine your goals. Some questions to consider when setting your goals include the following:

    • Who is your target audience?
    • What are your sales goals?
    • What is the purpose of your marketing?

What Type of Inbound Marketing is Most Effective for Your Business?

There are many types of inbound marketing that can be used to develop your strategy. Some companies just use one or two types, while others use many more. What you choose will depend on your businesses’ overall goals. It will also depend on your target audience and what appeals to them. This will likely be determined through testing over a period of time and a variety of different landing pages and content.

Additionally, you are going to want to determine the tools you will use to deploy your inbound marketing. There are a number of different tools on the market. For example, we use HubSpot for our inbound marketing needs and like it so much we re-sell it to our clients.

Choose the Right Company to Implement Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

Most companies don't handle their own inbound marketing because it is time consuming to develop and manage. When choosing a company to manage your inbound marketing, ask for examples of their work and payment options to ensure it will work for your business. If your business has an online presence and hasn't developed an inbound marketing strategy, consider doing so soon. Don't let you competition get too far ahead of you. You've got to realize traditional marketing has changed. We are in a different world today and in order to compete we have to change too.

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