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Labor Day Inbound and Social Media Marketing: Making the Holiday More Personal for Consumers

Inbound & Social Media Marketing for Labor DayPerhaps this is your first Labor Day as an active business and you're wondering whether to use typical Labor Day marketing tactics to promote a sales event. While it's an American tradition to hold business sales just before and on Labor Day, no doubt your competitors are doing the same thing. Have you paid attention to their approach for Labor Day marketing in past years, or even this year?

If many of them stick to standard marketing tactics and just promote themselves to bring people in for events, they're gradually becoming a bit archaic. With personalization a stronger factor in marketing between companies and consumers today, the same tactics must be used when promoting a holiday sale or event.

In the case of Labor Day, what kind of inbound and social media marketing techniques could you use to make the holiday more personal for customers? Other companies are possibly more narrow-minded when it comes to Labor Day, as in thinking it's merely a holiday for family barbecues.

It's time you thought a little more creatively and realized Labor Day means different things to different people, which is something you can find out in more targeted marketing.

The History of Labor Day

We tend to forget the real meaning of Labor Day and why it was initially created. As the U.S. Department of Labor points out, its purpose was a tribute to the contributions workers bring to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of the country.

In your inbound marketing or social media marketing campaigns, why not create content celebrating the American worker? You can do this with videos profiling important laborers in an industry (including some of your current customers), or through a series of blog posts profiling ordinary working Americans.

Putting full and serious attention back on the meaning of Labor Day makes you look more astute to why some federal holidays exist. When you make it about the people, it shows you're not thinking of yourself first and how many people you can pull into your store.

The Emotions Behind the End of Summer

For some people, Labor Day means the end of summer vacation and the possible emotions about going back to work or school. This encompasses a lot of creative marketing possibilities you can incorporate on social media or in an inbound marketing campaign. It also gives you opportunity to include storytelling, a strong point in all marketing.

One of the most effective tools is Instagram video where you can give a hint in mere seconds to an emotional situation related to the end of summer. You can get the mind gears turning in a viewer with these type of videos without being overly obvious or going on too long.

Also use some of your existing customers to tell stories about how they handled the end of summer and the memories they preserved. All of this could tie in perfectly with your products without directly pitching a product.

Thoughts of School Starting

While you may think that marketing the idea of starting school isn't appealing, put a twist on it and show some creative angles. In this case, humor could work in much of your marketing content, including parents glad to have their kids back in school so they have time to themselves. Or, perhaps it's about a kid who became a little too bored in the last two weeks of summer and became the only one glad to get back to school.

Back to school sales are ubiquitous, but thinking more outside the lines can help you stand out with a more daring marketing frame of mind. As with the other subjects above, many stories are possible here, including real ones in video or blog form.

Contact us here at The Friedman Group, LLC so we can help you with more creative Labor Day marketing ideas and for other holidays during the year.


Brad Friedman is president of The Friedman Group, LLC and works with professionals and business owners to develop strategies and implement Inbound and Social Media marketing to enhance your brand and generate leads and revenue.
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