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LinkedIn Rolls Out “Follow Company” Button

Yesterday, LinkedIn announced the launch of its Follow Company button. Companies may add this button to their websites, making it easier for customers, clients job seekers and prospects to begin following companies of interest, on LinkedIn.

How does the button work?
If you are logged in to LinkedIn, click on the Follow Company button and you will automatically “Follow” the company. If you are not logged in you will be asked to login in order to follow the company. Once you follow the company it will engage with you through status updates that will appear on your LinkedIn page.

Why follow a Company on LinkedIn?
Following a company on LinkedIn will let you stay up to date on company news, peruse employment opportunities and keep up with isuues the company thinks are important enough to prepare updates about. Here’s a quick video explaining how to find and follow companies on LinkedIn,

LinkedIn boasts having over 2 million companies in its network. Several of those companies have already committed to put the Follow Company button on their websites, like: AT&T, Starbucks, Sony Electronics, American Express OPEN.

If you want to put a follow button on your own company website, just drop by LinkedIn's Developer Website.

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