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The Digital Slice Podcast Ep 004

Living It Live With Todd Bergin [Podcast]

What is it about live video that is so appealing? The future of human marketing and business is in live video and slowly, people are adapting to this revolutionary change. When YouTube came in 2006, videos became the center of the internet universe. This time however, it isn’t just about recorded videos but more about the excitement and fecundity of broadcasting it live as it happens.

The impact live video has on a personal level has extended to the business level. Brands are working toward deeply personalized interactions and engagement. So, should you be doing live video as well for your business? Where do you start and how do you actually do it?

The Most Engaging Platform Today

The Digital Slice Podcast Ep 004Have you ever thought about how to reach your audience in the most efficient and effective means possible? Live video gives you the opportunity to open the lines of communication between you and your potential customer with the use of a live broadcast. You do not have to actually go to them just to be able to know their thoughts, needs, and wants in relation to your business. They may come to you to see your live video.

It is almost like talking directly with your prospects while allowing them to respond right there and then. Exposing yourself through the live video gives them a sense of your humanity and you being real encourages them to be real with you too. You gradually earn their trust this way as you keep them engaged in the value and content you provide. Before you know it, they will seek you out and contact you to ask about your products or services.

Todd Bergin And Live Video

Todd Bergin is a live video expert who readily shared his experiences and strategies in Episode 004 of The Digital Slice Podcast. Todd has been an entrepreneur since his teens, tried his luck in real estate, and even practiced law for a bit like me. But, his passion now lies in live video and helping businesses grow side by side with the evolving technology.

In this podcast, Todd tells us why we should be taking advantage of the opportunity that live video can bring to your business. He discusses using Facebook, Periscope, Switchboard, Wirecast, Instagram and more to engage different kinds of people within your niche. As Todd said, “Live video allows people to see you in an unpolished condition and get to know you as an individual outside of your business or your business goals and that’s a good thing.”

Time To Live It Up

There is no use living in a shell because the world is now an open sea. As an innovative entrepreneur, you either have to live it up or get washed ashore without a significant group of people knowing who you are and what you can offer them. Content is everything and live video content is what will get you closer to your target community like no other.

It is just a matter of time before everyone else, including your closest competitor, adapts to the use of live video technology. Get to this podcast before they do and jump start your own live video campaign with confidence and a competitive edge. Need some help? Contact us and we'll help you devise and implement a live video strategy.

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