On April 30th Starbucks rolled out a Facebook app allowing customers to manage their Starbucks cards. The app may be found on the Starbucks Facebook page. The app provides you with the ability to do everything you can do by going to the Starbucks website including loading your card and reviewing your transactions. This is pretty convenient for those of us who spend lots of time on Facebook. We don't have to leave Facebook to perform these tasks.
When you use the app you can register or unregister your cards, reload your cards, check balances, edit profile information, check your rewards program information and more. I'm also told that sometime this summer we will be able to reload a Facebook friend's Starbucks card as a gift through this app. Please don't tell my kids about this upgrade.
I think Starbucks has found a great way to leverage over seven million people who currently “Like” Starbucks on Facebook