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Marketing around the theme of memorial day

Memorial Day Marketing Ideas

Memorial Day is May 30th and is part of Military Appreciation Month. Many also celebrate Memorial Day as the introduction to Summer. The nation honors the service of those who sacrificed their lives serving in The United States military. It also celebrates the coming of Summer. What is the coincidence of these two apparently opposite sentiments? The coincidence may be related to flowers. The holiday originated after the American Civil War as Decoration Day, a day when the nation decorated the graves of veterans with flowers, the flowers of May. You know, “April showers bring May flowers.” The holiday became Memorial Day with the merger of the Union and Confederate Decoration Day holidays merged after the turn of the century.

Poppies are the symbolic flowers of Memorial Day. Poppies have been associated with war since Napoleonic times when a writer noted how poppies tended to grow over the graves of soldiers. The symbolism arose from the magnificent World War One memorial poem, “In Flanders Fields,” written by Canadian military surgeon John McCrae after the battle of Ypres in the Flanders region of France on May 2, 2015.

The icon of artificial poppies, given as a thank you for public contributions has been part of the holiday since 1920, when the American Legion took up the project of raising money for veterans by selling poppies. Charity and fund-raising events have become a link between American business and Memorial Day, all associated with Summer and poppies. The Memorial Day holiday has become a part of the community relations program of small and community based businesses for many years.

Don't Lose Sight Of Why We Celebrate

The United States Small Business Administration recommends ways for businesses to honor the military on Memorial Day.

  • Businesses host collections of items that deployed troops need. Many businesses let customers know through email, blogs, social media, and on site signage that they will be gathering items to send overseas.
  • Many businesses offer significant discounts and special gifts to veterans or those currently serving and their families on Memorial Day. Those who can afford it toss in a little something extra with a purchase. Restaurants offer free desserts.
  • Some employers ask their employees to assist military families in need. They donate both time and materials to help in a special project or effort. Hardware stores or contractors donate tools, home building materials, or expertise. Nurseries offer plants or landscaping services. Cafes donate meals or expert help in the kitchen of a veteran's family.
  • The stories of military members are highlighted through business emails, blogs, social media, and advertising. Many businesses solicit memorial story contributions from their customers as well.
  • Taking part in Memorial Day Parades is a business custom in many communities. Many businesses sponsor floats. They support the costs of the parades. The Memorial Day Parade is one of the great American traditions, in small towns and big cities. These honor veterans and celebrate the coming of summer at the same time. The national Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC has marked the beginning of a week-long celebration since 2005.
  • Make an appearance at Memorial Day events like air shows and community picnics. These special events can use business support and can provide a business showcase.
  • Making public contributions to training and hiring veterans and is a very significant and substantial form of Memorial Day support. Veterans have unique hard and soft skills, learned in military service but often not directly related to identified civilian skills. Many businesses take particular advantage of military job boards and other techniques to find and hire returning military personnel during the Memorial Day Holiday period.

Contributions to the celebration of Memorial Day is one widely seen form of indirect and inbound marketing in the community. It is in the best American tradition of business. So, after you've drawn in all those customers from your pre-Memorial Day marketing campaign, and before you fire up that barbecue, take a minute to remember those veterans who gave their lives to preserve the freedoms we have while living in the greatest country in the world.

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