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Mobile Digital Marketing: Things Banks Need To Focus On

Brad Friedman | Banks and Mobile Digital Marketing: Things to Focus On for Enhanced Mobile BankingDigital marketing and banking sometimes don't correlate when a bank is looking for a personal connection the customer. That's happened only because more businesslike institutions like banks have a long history of being more formal with customers in their marketing. They don't always take the time to act like they're a good friend or a member of the customer's family.

Things are changing now, and while more personalized digital marketing occurs for those on desktops, mobile banking is becoming the new digital location for the same thing. With reports saying that 35 million households now take advantage of mobile banking, placing more attention there with your marketing efforts is worth the time and effort it may take.

Some challenges await you on mobile, however. As wearables come into play and mobile users expect faster experiences, you have a lot more to deal with than you probably thought. Considering most banking may soon be done on a mobile device, capturing new customers there needs some primary focus.

The key, as always, is making your mobile marketing personalized, along with information that enables customers to make up their minds faster.

Making Your Banking Site Adaptive

While it may not seem so at first, having your bank website be adaptive to mobile screens already paves the way to more personalized experiences for customers. When a customer can't properly read any information because you decided to cram the desktop version of your site into a mobile format, it only leads to immediate frustration.

That's why having adaptive formats for all mobile devices is essential since mobile users want information fast and want to do transactions quicker. You have an even bigger challenge for the wearables market where smaller screens pose more of a challenge on how you convey info about your bank.

It seems plausible that banking could occur on wearables within another few years for added convenience. You need to think about how your bank's website adapts to these formats in ways that tell about who you are in simplified designs.

Don't be afraid to create videos since they can tell a story (either fictional or real), which is an important element to capturing the personal nature of dealing with finances and getting your customer's attention.

Working with Mobile Ads

Spending for mobile ads is expected to double over the next couple of years in comparison to desktop, so creating ads for your bank needs some serious thought this year. One of the best ways to approach this is focusing on the in-app ad concept where you incorporate marketing with practicality.

Since most people spend time using apps on their mobile devices, incorporating ads about your bank on a related app (or an app of your own) does double duty on capturing prospective customers. At the same time, an app provides a useful task that also adds information about what sets your bank apart from your competitors.

Marketing Emails on Mobile Devices

Current information about financial concerns or innovations is always valuable to potential bank customers. That's why email marketing is still important on mobile devices and where you can generate leads when people sign up for your email list.

Wearables could once again play a major part in this over the next few years where texts sent in real-time could capture the customers you want. Considering marketing emails aren't always seen right away on smartphones, a wearable is always on a person's wrist.

Vital information that's targeted toward your demographic is a powerful marketing tool on mobile devices. If it's exclusive info not found anywhere else, it could help persuade someone on mobile to choose you in mere minutes over another bank.

Contact us here at The Friedman Group, LLC so we can help you with the newest digital marketing challenges for the banking industry.

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