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[PODCAST] Discovering The Fun Formula

[PODCAST] Discovering The Fun Formula

Is there such a thing as a fun formula where work doesn’t feel like work, where business is not stressful, and where success is almost guaranteed? Yes! There is a better way - specifically a fun way to help you achieve what you want so much in life. And, New York Times best selling author, Joel Comm shares the secret with you in his new book, The Fun Formula - How Curiosity, Risk-Taking, And Serendipity Can Revolutionize How You Work.

If you are living in the hustle and grind where you believe you have to work doubly hard, day and night, to earn your keep, you may need to recheck your options. You can still earn a living, and yes of course work but not as hard. In fact, you will be having so much fun, you will forget it’s work and you will see how it will lead you more toward a fulfilling, successful life. So how do you kick off the fun in your life?

Hustle And Grind No More

[PODCAST] Discovering The Fun FormulaHow much does the hustle and grind excite you? By hustle and grind we mean working more than 8-10 hours, seven days a week. This kind of schedule leaves no time for yourself or your family. The list can go on but at the end of the day, you feel tired, stressed out, and worst, you can still end up desperately needing more money.

The good news is, you can leave the hustle and grind life behind if you choose to. Joel Comm, co-host of the incredibly popular The Bad Crypto Podcast, talks on The Digital Slice Podcast, about his experience over the years from working in corporate America to becoming an entrepreneur. He said, “What I realized is, the massive successes came with the least amount of effort, without the hustle and grind.”

In your case, you do not have to spend years to arrive at such an important realization and there are only three fun and exciting things you need to do to follow The Fun Formula.

Pursue Your Curiosities

If you were given a choice to do anything you want, what would it be? Of course you cannot simply abandon your current employer or close your business down just to pursue that one thing you are desire to do. But if it is a fun and fulfilling life you want to live, now is the time to think and decide what you really want to do for the rest of your life.

You have to think beyond just making a living and choose to finally live the life you were designed to live. Then get ready for good times ahead. You will realize when you do what you like doing, it will never feel like work and the hours will go by without stressing you out.

It may seem like it’s impossible right now but you have to look for opportunities where you get to do what you want and at the same time earn from it. Do what gives you satisfaction and real happiness. Don't focus on having all the riches and material things in the world. These things will come if you're doing what makes you happy. Joel declares, “You have to be willing to follow your own curiosity and see where it takes you.”

Taking Risks

Now that the fun has started, it’s time to take it to the next level. So its either you take the risk and explore something new or you stay where you are and never grow into the person you were meant to be. It is understandable that you're afraid to get out of your comfort zone and take risks. All your life, people around you have consciously or unconsciously molded you into the person you are by the things they tell you or dictate upon you. Your parents, teachers, and significant others told you to become a doctor, a lawyer, or a banker because that is what they wanted for you. What about you, what do you really want?

Sadly, others around you could have also belittled your abilities until you believed that that you will never become a success at something you love doing. Now, you can continue believing in them or you can start believing in yourself and what great things you can do if given the chance. Let go of your fears and your heavy emotional baggage from the past. Let go, move forward, and grow. If you should fail, let it teach you to become stronger as you pursue your happiness. Joel suggests, “You have to be willing to fail and when you do embrace it because failure is the best teacher.”

Trust The Process

The final and most important ingredient to the Fun Formula is simply to trust the process as it takes it own course. This is what sets the Fun Formula apart from the hustle and grind. Most of the time, it takes less effort, more fun, and then you just have to go with the flow as the universe conspires and success finds its way to you. What makes it easy is really due to the fact you are doing what is natural to you - your interests, passions, talents, abilities - everything that is uniquely you. And because you feel inspired and feel good about what you are doing, you tend to give it your best and your creative juices start to flow.

Success in this case has no other choice but to dwell on you. Joel believes, “If you’re bringing the greatest value that you’re designed to bring, then you’re gonna have a successful work-life and you’re gonna be more fulfilled personally.”

The Fun Formula: A life-changing Book By Joel Comm

We now live in the digital age where machines will soon take over repetitive tasks. As a human being, this means you do not have to stick to the traditional hustle and grind concept which you were born into in order to succeed.

Instead, pursue your curiosities, take risks and go deep into them, and simply let the natural process called life bring you to a much higher level of self-actualization. Joel espouses, “The Fun Formula” isn’t a mathematical equation. It’s highly dependent upon you being you in pursuing that which matters most to you.” Discover more by listening to my interview with Joel on The Digital Slice Podcast.

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