Digital Advertising
Each digital marketing project has different objectives, and needs. We build unique teams of experts that match up perfectly with your marketing needs. For example, we may wish to engage our team of Internet marketing experts to help us develop your online advertising strategy.
In many cases, if your budget permits, we’re able to enhance your inbound and social media marketing efforts with a paid Internet advertising program. When we combine our inbound and social media strategies with paid media we’re better able to meet your revenue growth goals while expanding your reach and filling the top of the sales funnel with multiple prospects to keep your sales team busy.
Digital advertising today, whether it’s a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign using Google AdWords, or advertising on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, allows us to be more targeted than ever. We’re able to use the Buyer Personas we’ve created and develop targeted Internet advertising campaigns that will feed warm leads, not cold leads, into your CRM. And, as time goes on, we’re able to better measure the results of our efforts and your ROI for your online advertising spend.
- Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaigns.
- Retargeting
- Advertising on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
It’s all about being found by relevant searchers. Our integrated approach of inbound, social media and PPC advertising enables us to grow your reach, help you develop Thought Leadership, generate a buzz about your business and build loyal brand advocates from your current customers / clients.
Our online advertising experts will help you get found on major search engines while analyzing and assessing data that helps them optimize your advertising spend. Once website visitors reach your site we can employ industry-leading inbound marketing software to capture visitor data that helps you identify and sort warm leads while providing you with invaluable information about which marketing channels are working best for you.
We’ll prepare and analyze this data each month and provide you with a monthly report, or train your team to do it in-house. Use this report to identify qualified leads, current customer activity and demonstrate the ROI you’re looking for.
Reach Out
Request a consultation and find out how our inbound and social media marketing services can drive your company's marketing ROI.