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Social Media & LinkedIn On The Rise

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Today, LinkedIn is the most popular social media site out there. According to a Study by the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, Center For Marketing Research, it’s become more popular than Facebook.

According to an article by Lenna Garibian on MarketingProfs.com , 81% of companies listed on the 2012 Inc. 500 are using LinkedIn. While LinkedIn is on the rise, less and less businesses are using Facebook. In 2011 74% of companies were using Facebook, in 2012 that number declined to 67%. 2012 Inc. 500 also found that 63% of CEOs are contributing or taking ownership of some social media outlet.

Moving Forward

As times change and businesses continue to grow, there is no denying that they will be forced to keep up with the younger generations. Speaking as a 21 year old, these days anything and everything is on the Internet. If I’m curious about anything- from a menu of a certain restaurant, to details about a company- I am constantly turning to my computer and to the Internet. I’d dare to argue that, almost in a survival of the fittest type of way, the Internet and the world of Social Media is going to weed out the weak.

In a similar way, the way that businesses function and what they need from a social media tool is beginning to weed out Facebook. Zuckerberg can either respond accordingly and give businesses exactly what it is they are looking for, or he will begin to lose users. And now that I think about it, maybe that’s not a bad thing. Maybe it’s better for Facebook to solely be a social tool for personal relationships and to leave the more business side of things for LinkedIn. But regardless of what I think, the numbers are telling a story. LinkedIn is on the rise, and more and more people are using it as a tool. Its being used to find jobs, to network, and to connect.

What’s your thought on all of this? Let us know! What do you use Facebook and LinkedIn for and do these purposes overlap at all?

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