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Social Media and Nonprofit Organizations: Why You Should Be More Social

social media nonprofits, social media help nonprofit, social media campaign nonprofitsNonprofit organizations are an important part of our society and need to take advantage of social media to be found. Social media has changed how people seek information, interact with businesses, and share information about their lives. Over 70% of adults who are online use social media and half of those adults use multiple social media platforms. Our attraction to social media is our natural desire for acceptance, approval, competition, status, self-expression, and closure. We can “like” a post to show approval and when our posts are “liked,” we feel acceptance. We compete in online games, receive virtual awards, and win virtual competitions with our friends. Tapping into these natural desires is what makes social media and nonprofit organizations a great team!

Social media satisfies so many fundamental needs for most people that it would be foolish to think that it is not a vital tool for a nonprofit organization. Of course, it has to be understood and used correctly and that it where many nonprofits are hesitant. They worry about generating negative publicity, but the same risk exists with or without social media. In fact, the organization can have a quicker response time to negative commentary on social media and show how responsive they are to their client base.

Examples of How Nonprofit Organizations are Utilizing Social Media

Muttville Senior Dog Rescue uses its Facebook page to raise awareness about their program which tries to adopt and/or foster dogs over 7 years old. They have seen their adoption rates increase and have raised the public's awareness regarding fostering options.

The Wenham Museum in Massachusetts has created a Pinterest page to create more interest in their museum as well as to share exhibits with a larger geographical area.

One recent social media campaign called “Idaho Gives” raised $587,735 for 541 nonprofit organizations in 24 hours. It was so successful that they are planning another campaign in May.

Nonprofits can easily benefit from the many advantages social media has to offer. Contact us today so we can help you utilize these great tools for your nonprofit organization.

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