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Still Not Promoting Your Business On Pinterest?

Still wondering why your business should be taking advantage of Pinterest? Maybe the infographic below will help. See who is using Pinterest and how they are using it. Tell us if your business is using Pinterest and how you're using it. Or, tell us why your business is not using Pinterest.

Pinterest usage is off the charts this year, especially with women. Almost 70% of Pinterest registered users are women. No surprise as women have consistently dominated the social media market. For example, Facebook has always reported more active female users than male.

Statistics show Pinterest holds users' attention longer than Facebook. On average, each time a registered user visits the site, they spend an average of 15.8 minutes “pinning,” while Facebook users generally spend 12.1 minutes reading their News Feed and looking at friends' photos.

Modea reports Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn combined, but it's important to look deeper to see the Pinterest traffic is made up of people advertiser want to reach. The infographic reports nearly a third of all Pinterest users have an annual household income of $100,000 or more, almost 70 percent are female and the largest age demographic represented on the site are people between 25 and 34. A recent study from Flurry Analytics found that the demographic Pinterest is most popular with (women) is also the one that is the most valuable to mobile advertisers — young, upper-middle class and female.

Virginia-based digital advertising agency Modea created the “veryPinteresing” infographic which was posted on Modea's blog on February 25. A play on Pinterest's signature pinboard, the infographic features data compiled from internet marketing research company comScore, content sharing service Shareaholic, and TechCrunch.

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