by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Facebook's annual f8 conference for developers was last week and Mark Zuckerberg made some big announcements regarding Facebook's its latest upgrades. Marketers learned the way users discover brands and engage with them is evolving. And users learned their experience is moving from a list of what happened in the last several minutes to a timeline view of what Facebook believes are the most relevant experiences in a user's life. With this in mind, marketers need to give some thought to how they will work their brand into the user's timeline and increase engagement. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Last week, Twitter released its own web analytics tool to help website owners who rely on Twitter for content distribution determine how much traffic they are getting from the site. The tool is intended to give website owners more data to help them determine if Twitter is driving traffic to their site. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Business owners we meet with are increasingly asking about Twitter. They want to know if Twitter is really a good place to be interacting with customers, providing customer service and marketing their products or services. Some of this stems from the publicity Frank Eliason, better known as “@comcastcares” received a few years ago. Some of this stems from a need to tap into a younger market during an economic downturn. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media

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A few months ago we wrote about how the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) are trying to adapt its regulations to the social media world. Today, we'd like to expand on that and discuss how you can probably participate in LinkedIn without incurring the wrath of compliance. To do this, you must follow a few easy, and likely familiar, rules. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media

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In Part 1 we discussed how changes in technology have changed the way prospects look for professional service providers. In Part 2 we looked at the strategies and social media tools prospects are using to find and hire professional service providers. Here in Part 3, we'll focus on some of the tools you should be using to market yourself and your practice. Keep in mind, these tools change constantly, so you have to find ways to keep up. Once you do you'll find it was worth it. (more…)