by Katie Komnenich | Social Media
As if the world hasn’t already been bombarded with enough advertisements, Facebook is about to feature 15 second video ads that will play directly into your newsfeed. The introduction of these video ads is supposed to take place sometime later this year. (more…)
by Katie Komnenich | Social Media

Today, LinkedIn is the most popular social media site out there. According to a Study by the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, Center For Marketing Research, it’s become more popular than Facebook. (more…)
by Katie Komnenich | Social Media

Photo by bayasaa via Flickr - Creative Commons
The Fourth of July is tomorrow and people are looking for a fun way to celebrate as well as ways to share their plans with friends and family on the internet. Being that it is my first summer in Denver, I myself am looking for a fun way to spend the fourth, and what better way to do that then by searching social media. Social media has become the G0-To place for people gathering information about everything. So, I figure, why not the Fourth of July? (more…)
by Katie Komnenich | Social Media
Myspace is back and spending a lot of money to make sure everybody knows it's back. They are reportedly spending $20 million on their new ad campaign to promote the relaunch. However, from my perspective, the first ad could have been much better. The fact of the matter is, Myspace is spending a large amount of money to rival an incredibly strong and dominant company, Facebook, for social media market share. If this is their big chance to show us all why they’re back and better than ever, then what are they really showing us? Their latest commercial, which you can see here is a 1:33 spot full of all sorts of celebrities running around in a sea of chaos. (more…)
by Katie Komnenich | Social Media

This photo is shared with the permission of Tina Rice
As someone who grew up with a director for a father, I’ve always been someone who loves to take photos of people, of places and of things. I’ve been fortunate enough to own a Nikon D40 since my junior year of high school when I was accepted into the AP Art Program. Since then, the photography world has changed quite a bit. And now there is a new app called Days. (more…)