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Back to the LinkedIn Basics

Sometimes we get so caught up in everything going on around us, we make things more difficult than need to be. This is easy to do with all the different social networks, each with its own set of rules and means by which we are to “socialize.” With that in mind, I write to bring you back to the LinkedIn basics. Keep these 8 tips in mind, and you will be able to stay on track and make your LinkedIn experience all the more rewarding. If you are willing to share some tips of your own, please leave them in the comments. (more…)

Think Before You Tweet, Post, E-mail

A recent Denver Post article touches on a subject I've been grappling with for several years. It boggles my mind that people think an e-mail, text or tweet has tone. It's true. What we write and post in some fashion on the Internet, has a tone. Once we make peace with this concept it's important to consider this fact, every time we communicate with anyone. By now, I hope you've realized the Internet, and social media, is here and a force to be reckoned with. The article provides some good tips for better communication. (more…)

Social Media Revolution, or Fad?

Take four minutes out of your day to have a look at this video describing the power of social media. This is why we formed The Friedman Group, but more importantly, it's why we need to stop thinking social media is a fad. It's time we took social media seriously. It's time we took advantage of all it has to offer, while recognizing there are things we need to be aware of, like guarding our privacy. Watch the video, then leave a comment letting me know your initial reaction to what you saw. (more…)

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