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Ep 025: Virtual Assistants Can Help With Your Digital Marketing Tasks

Ep 025: Virtual Assistants Can Help With Your Digital Marketing Tasks

Ep 025: Virtual Assistants Can Help With Your Digital Marketing Tasks

by Brad Friedman

Virtual Assistants Can Help With Your Digital Marketing Tasks

The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC

Have you had some “me” time lately? It is most likely your answer is “No,” but that goes for almost all business owners. Having no time for yourself or your family and other activities is often brushed aside when your top and only priority is your company.

Meanwhile, over the years, you will notice how you get burned out and how most of your relationships are strained. Well, you can continue with this kind of life or you can work on having life outside of work because literally, your life is not only made up of work.

This is where the virtual assistants or VAs come to the rescue. They help you with routine administrative tasks and all the other nitty gritty tasks that eat up most of your time. Now, VAs can also help with your marketing tasks and be very effective at it. You just have to find a service you can rely on and trust.

Today’s episode of The Digital Slice Podcast is about designing the life you want to live with the help of virtual assistants.

Jess Ostroff Tyson is a global entrepreneur, author, speaker, owner of Don’t Panic Management as well as Director of Calm. Don't Panic Management sets the bar extremely high as a virtual assistant agency with its people-first approach to success in the virtual assistant arena.

Jess has been on a mission since 2011 to match workaholic entrepreneurs with virtual assistants who can help them achieve focus and calmness. Through her company, Don’t Panic can assist you with content management, social media marketing, research, travel and calendar scheduling, and more.

Jess wrote the book, “Panic Proof: How the Right Virtual Assistant Can Save Your Sanity and Grow Your Business” available online at the bookstore of your choosing.

In this Episode:

  • How you should be living the life that you love with a little help from virtual assistants
  • How work-life balance is ideal while life integration is the better, realistic option
  • All about Don’t Panic Management as a company
  • How the virtual assistance industry blossomed into a budding business
  • How virtual assistance has gone beyond admin tasks to marketing tasks
  • The challenge of having virtual assistants who literally just disappear
  • How Jess is working at uplifting the reputation of virtual assistance through reliable services
  • The rising trend for the use of virtual assistant or VA services
  • How mental health is an important offshoot of the virtual assistance revolution
  • How millennials in particular enjoy the freedom that goes with being a VA
  • The advantages to hiring a VA
  • Client profile for those needing VA services
  • What qualifies as admin tasks that virtual assistants can perform
  • How having a VA can elevate your business status and help you earn more
  • Jess’ book, “Panic Proof: How the Right Virtual Assistant Can Save Your Sanity and Grow Your Business”
  • How a hiring a VA is more of a balanced, client-freelancer relationship than a boss-assistant
  • How to look for VAs, the hiring process, and compensation
  • How culture-fit is important in hiring a suitable VA
  • How VA training is a worthwhile investment
  • How tasks either need to be delegated, automated, or gotten rid of altogether

Quotes From this Episode:
“The reason I wanted to build my own business was because I wanted to design a life that I love.” - Jess Ostroff Tyson
”I like to get to know people on a deeper level because I think that makes our work more meaningful and it makes us do want to really make a difference in their lives” - Jess Ostroff Tyson
”Ever since 2010, whenever I started, that has always been my purpose. I’m not trying to be the biggest. I’m not trying to be rich necessarily. But I really want to help make a difference in people’s lives in the way that I can.” - Jess Ostroff Tyson
“People who are entrepreneurs and wanna grow their business don’t just need help scheduling their meetings. They also need help writing blog posts or publishing a podcast or posting to social media sites.” - Jess Ostroff Tyson
“People are getting burned left and right by working with virtual assistants and its been my goal to change that reputation and change the way people perceive VAs because we’re not all crooks.” - Jess Ostroff Tyson
“People are seeing virtual assistants as another option of getting things done in a cost-effective way.” - Jess Ostroff Tyson
”I believe that everybody should have an assistant, whether it’s virtual or not.” - Jess Ostroff Tyson
“We’re still people. You still have to check us out and make sure that we’re legit and what you want.” - Jess Ostroff Tyson
”I think its important to hire for the skills that you’re looking for instead of just typing in virtual assistant.” - Jess Ostroff Tyson
”You need to put some data in a gut feeling.” - Jess Ostroff Tyson
”Your time is worth multiples theoretically of what your assistant is charging.” - Jess Ostroff Tyson


Jess Ostroff Tyson
Twitter: @JessOstroff
Instagram: @dontpanicjess
LinkedIn: @jessostroff
Websites: Don't Panic Management
Book: Panic Proof: How the Right Virtual Assistant Can Save Your Sanity and Grow Your Business

Brad Friedman




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefriedmangroup




Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/friedmansocialmedia

Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com

Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman

Be sure to sign up for the Brad Bot at TheBradBot.com To get reminders when I go live on Facebook and to receive freebies and other content from The Friedman Group, LLC.

Ep 014: The Fun Formula – How Curiosity Risk-Taking And Serendipity Can Revolutionize How You Work

Ep 014: The Fun Formula – How Curiosity Risk-Taking And Serendipity Can Revolutionize How You Work

Ep 014: The Fun Formula – How Curiosity Risk-Taking And Serendipity Can Revolutionize How You Work

by Brad Friedman

The Fun Formula – How Curiosity Risk-Taking And Serendipity Can Revolutionize How You Work

The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC

What is success? Is it having a lot of money, fancy cars, and living a lavish lifestyle? Success means different things to different people. But, fulfillment is the same for everyone.

Fulfillment is being able to achieve the goals you have set for yourself based on your unique interests and circumstances. However, some people can end up in the wrong profession, job, or business because they followed what others wanted them to be.

The result is unhappiness, emptiness, and even life-threatening depression. Thankfully, there is “The Fun Formula” urging you to pursue your passions and fulfill your destiny. Realizing that when you are doing what you really want, you feel happy and satisfied. Work isn’t work anymore because you are having so much fun. In this episode of BRADS LIVE, discover “The Fun Formula” and see how it is much more than just a book.

In this Episode:

  • Joel’s professional and business journey from selling emergency response systems and encyclopedias in the early days
  • How Joel came to write his recent book, The Fun Formula: How curiosity, risk-taking, and serendipity can revolutionize the way you work
  • How Joel discovered after 23 years of doing business that the hustle and grind practice only lead to more failures than success
  • How the work you choose should be on what you’re passionate about and not just about making a living
  • How living a supposedly satisfying celebrity lifestyle can still result to cases of suicide and depression
  • How “The Fun Formula” paradigm seems to run contrary to the traditional virtue of hard work
  • How being yourself, engaging your curiosities, and following your own path will help you succeed more
  • How not to be influenced by the performance-based society that tends to dictate who you should become
  • How negative scripting from people around you can develop into self-defeating behaviors
  • Risk-taking as a critical part of “The Fun Formula”
  • How letting go can open more doors for you
  • How to “trust the process” as a third ingredient to “The Fun Formula”
  • How to derive your own Fun Formula through curiosity, risk-taking, and trusting the process

Quotes From this Episode:
“I learned from Zig Ziglar, you know the best. He was my mentor and to this day, the things he said, you know, stick in my mind and in my soul .” - Joel Comm
“What I realized is, the massive successes came with the least amount of effort, without the hustle and grind.” - Joel Comm
“Not just going, well how do I make a living but how do I make a life.” - Joel Comm
“Don’t be anybody else. Be an original.” - Joel Comm
“The Fun Formula isn’t a mathematical equation. It’s highly dependent upon you being you in pursuing that which matters most to you.” - Joel Comm
“I’ve learned to not care what other people think of me and what I believe is the right thing to do.” - Joel Comm
“You have to be willing to fail, and when you do, embrace it, because failure is the best teacher.” - Joel Comm
“You have to let go to move forward and to grow.” - Joel Comm
“You have to be willing to follow your own curiosity and see where it takes you.” - Joel Comm
“If you’re bringing the greatest value that you’re designed to bring, then you’re gonna have a successful work-life and you’re gonna be more fulfilled personally.” - Joel Comm


Joel Comm
Twitter: @joelcomm
Facebook: @joelcomm
LinkedIn: Joel Comm
Podcast: The Bad Crypto Podcast
Book: The Fun Formula

Brad Friedman




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefriedmangroup




Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/friedmansocialmedia

Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com

Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman

Be sure to sign up for the Brad Bot at TheBradBot.com To get reminders when I go live on Facebook and to receive freebies and other content from The Friedman Group, LLC.

Ep 013: Separating Yourself From Your Business And How The Law Can Help

Ep 013: Separating Yourself From Your Business And How The Law Can Help

Ep 013: Separating Yourself From Your Business And How The Law Can Help

by Brad Friedman

Separating Yourself From Your Business And How The Law Can Help

The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC

How often do you hear as a small business owner that you are your brand? Well, that could be an essential paradigm behind personal branding but when it comes to living a well-balanced life, that may not always apply.

In fact, you may need to realize how separating yourself from your business is key to your self-actualization. Because like it or not, you are a whole being and your business is just one part of you and not all of you.

So while your business is important, you have to consider creating a clear distinction between who you are and your business entity for legal as well as for reasons of self-preservation.

In this episode of BRADS LIVE, discover the beauty and power behind being able to separate yourself from your business.

Joey Vitale is the founder of Indie Law, a law firm dedicated to small business owners, especially those passionate ones in the creative space. Joey is adamant about providing his clients the protection and legal foundation they need to grow their business.

Through Indie Law, he is able to offer educational webinars, consultation sessions, flat-fee packages, as well as subscription plans. So whatever legal issue from trademarks, business formation, copyrights to contracts, Joey is able to help. Joey is also a digital savvy expert who manages a Facebook Group for Business Owners with more than 7,000 members.

In this Episode:

  • How Joey found his passion for working with creative small business owners
  • How Joey’s law firm, Indie Law has been a success in the past 2 years
  • Joey’s panic attack and hospitalization and how it made him realize his priorities over his business
  • How loving yourself more than your business is key to well-being
  • How to live on the lighter side of business with Joey being called the “babe-dude”
  • Why separating yourself from your business is important legally
  • Inevitable business risks and fears and how to protect yourself
  • LLCs, contracts, team agreements, and other forms of protective separation layers
  • How a contract can become a foundation for your ideal business and client experience
  • The pros and cons between single proprietorship, LLCs, and corporations
  • How to choose the right type of business entity for tax purposes
  • The perfect timing for using legal protection for your business
  • How trademarks are to be used at a certain success level
  • How contracts are top priority when starting out a business
  • How a contract should be a dynamic document that’s adaptive to change and constant improvement
  • How to best choose the attorney for your needs based on pricing, reviews, personality fit, team support, and customer service
  • How having a team behind you for continuity of work for clients is a crucial part of separating yourself from your business
  • Joey’s Smile Bigger 12-week course on business lessons learned the way

Quotes From this Episode:
“When you start a business that you love, it’s so easy to be in business mode all day.” - Joey Vitale
“Everybody should have a therapist, especially business owners.” - Joey Vitale
“This really is kind of the why behind Indie Law. We want to give as much peace of mind as we can on those foundational, legal pieces of your business puzzle.” - Joey Vitale
“In order for you to love yourself more than you love your business, there has to be a separation between you and your business.” - Joey Vitale
“Really, what we’re afraid of are things that haven’t happened yet.” - Joey Vitale
“The real point of a contract is to make sure that everybody involved is on the same page because yes, you wanna avoid a worst-case scenario but you’re all also really excited about this potential best case scenario.” - Joey Vitale
“I update my contract several times a year, every time a hard lesson’s learned or there’s a procedural change.” - Joey Vitale
“What I’m wanting for people is, I’m wanting them to smile bigger in business. I’m wanting them to smile bigger as a person.” - Joey Vitale


Joey Vitale
Twitter: @joeycvitale
Instagram: @joeycvitale
Facebook: @IndieLawFirm
Website: Indie Law

Brad Friedman




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefriedmangroup




Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/friedmansocialmedia

Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com

Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman

Be sure to sign up for the Brad Bot at TheBradBot.com To get reminders when I go live on Facebook and to receive freebies and other content from The Friedman Group, LLC.

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