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The Egyptization of Your Business

Newsweek magazine calls Wael Ghonim “The Facebook Freedom Fighter.” Ghonim and others used social media to spur Egyptians to action and begin the Arab Revolution of 2011 bringing unrest to the entire region. Yet, people continue to believe “Social Media is a fad I don’t have the time for.” The actions of Ghonim and others, along with the outcome of their actions should be looked at as an example to be followed by all types of businesses in the United States and abroad. (more…)

Back to the LinkedIn Basics

Sometimes we get so caught up in everything going on around us, we make things more difficult than need to be. This is easy to do with all the different social networks, each with its own set of rules and means by which we are to “socialize.” With that in mind, I write to bring you back to the LinkedIn basics. Keep these 8 tips in mind, and you will be able to stay on track and make your LinkedIn experience all the more rewarding. If you are willing to share some tips of your own, please leave them in the comments. (more…)

Make Learning a Social Network, Your New Year’s Resolution

Photo is from FreeDigitalPhotos.net

We are constantly trying to think of ways to convince people to overcome their resistance to participating in social networks to make connections and generate referrals for their business. The trick seems to be finding a way to convince attorneys, CPAs and other professionals they are using, at best, 20th century communication/marketing techniques when they could join us in the real world and employ 21st century techniques. (more…)

Attorneys Must Participate In Social Networks

Image from socialmedialawstudent.com

There are a great number of people on Twitter these days. Generally, one doesn't think of attorneys as being among those that Tweet. So, you may be surprised to learn many Internet-savvy attorneys are finding more and more ways to use Twitter and other social networks like LinkedIn. Two examples: “Tweagle” is a LinkedIn Group for lawyers using Twitter, and the LinkedIn Group “Legal Blogging” is populated by attorneys who have personal blogs or write for a law firm blog. (more…)

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