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Plaintiffs, Beware Of Social Media

Image from socialmedialawstudent.com

In spite of the fact I often tell people I am a “Recovering Attorney,” I remain very interested in how the courts are ruling on social media issues. Call it intellectually stimulating. There was a case in Pennsylvania in May that caught my eye. In this case, Zimmerman v. Weiss Markets, Inc., Judge Charles H. Saylor of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, Pa. issued a ruling analyzing the world of social media. (more…)

Twitter Flies Past MySpace

In August, Twitter, the four-year-old micro-blogging service flew past MySpace in unique visitors to become the No. 3 social networking service in the world, according to new data from comScore Inc. Twitter recorded almost 96 million unique visitors in August, up 76% from August 2009, comScore said. During the same period of time, MySpace dropped 17% during the same period, to 95 million unique visitors in August. (more…)

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