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Ep 018: Don’t Just Sit There! Develop A Digital Marketing Strategy

Ep 018: Don’t Just Sit There! Develop A Digital Marketing Strategy

Ep 018: Don't Just Sit There! Develop A Digital Marketing Strategy

by Brad Friedman

Don't Just Sit There! Develop A Digital Marketing Strategy

The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC

In this episode, Brad Friedman and Jonathan Baldock talk about the importance of employee advocacy, LinkedIn best practices, and more.

Does your type of business need to have a digital presence and be very active online? If so, how do you go about setting up your social media accounts? In this digital age, you can chose not to go digital with your marketing strategy but run the risk of your business getting left behind and ultimately, closing up shop.

On the other hand, if you are able to develop a strong digital marketing strategy and appeal to the digital world, then there will be more likelihood for your business to achieve long-term success. And so, if you have been asking yourself if you should be going live, creating a YouTube video series, posting on LinkedIn, or writing a blog post, then the answer is a big yes.

However, you do not have to do all those nor should you be on every social media platform because at the end of the day, you have to go only for those which will suit your business needs and will be congruent with your company goals.

In this podcast episode, learn how you can build a digital marketing strategy that will effectively work for your specific business because you can’t just sit there and wait for something to happen.

In this Episode:

  • How developing a digital marketing strategy is a must these days
  • How to develop content based on clients’ frequently asked questions
  • How creating awareness first is key to engagement on various social media platforms
  • How to choose which among the different social media platforms to use based on your business needs and company profile
  • How to start by looking at your current digital marketing strategy if you have one in place and who’s in charge of the implementation
  • The importance of having high quality content that will be most valuable for your target audience
  • The kind of content that you should share on your social media accounts that give your audience value
  • Why advertising is necessary in this digital age

Quotes From this Episode:
“Today, what I wanna do most of all is practice what I preach.” - Brad Friedman
“It’s easy to create content from questions that you’re asked.” - Brad Friedman
“When you post your page, a notice does not go out to all 2 billion people saying that you have started a Facebook page and everybody needs to rush and like your page.” - Brad Friedman
“I’m one of those people who believes not everybody needs to be on every social media network in order to grow their business.” - Brad Friedman
“Maybe you can get somebody to your page but if they don’t get value from your content, they’re probably not gonna like the page.” - Brad Friedman
“I would much prefer that you had a smaller group of people who like your page yet people who are engaged with your page.” - Brad Friedman
“If you aren’t measuring, you aren’t marketing.” - Brad Friedman


Brad Friedman




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefriedmangroup




Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/friedmansocialmedia

Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com

Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman

Be sure to sign up for the Brad Bot at TheBradBot.com To get reminders when I go live on Facebook and to receive freebies and other content from The Friedman Group, LLC.

Ep 017: You Need To Get Linked In

Ep 017: You Need To Get Linked In

Ep 017: You Need To Get Linked In

by Brad Friedman

You Need To Get Linked In!

The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC

Do you still believe LinkedIn serves its purpose as a professional networking platform? Since Microsoft acquired LinkedIn, there has been a lot of talk about LinkedIn’s alleged demise. There are articles every week talking about how how it could simply go away.

I contend, the opposite is happening as LinkedIn is as strong as it has ever been. It remains a venue for business owners and job seekers to engage and create a more productive workforce environment for the whole world.

In this episode of The Digital Slice Podcast, I revisit LinkedIn’s beginnings and discuss how it has remained true to its mission.

In this Episode:

  • The beginnings of LinkedIn in 2002 as a professional networking platform
  • How Reid Hoffman created a team of former colleagues and launched LinkedIn from his living room in 2003
  • How LinkedIn remains a professional network despite some changes in its interface
  • How native videos on LinkedIn doesn’t make it into a social network
  • How the controversial issues surrounding LinkedIn’s looming demise started in 2016 via the Microsoft acquisition
  • How LinkedIn’s current status in the stock market and its 562 million users indicate it remains in good standing
  • LinkedIn’s mission and vision and how to take advantage of it
  • How to build a strong and highly optimized LinkedIn profile
  • Starting out with a high quality, professional-looking photo
  • How to take advantage of the ample space provided by LinkedIn for your summary, and work experience
  • How to set up your LinkedIn background image, name, and headline properly
  • How to arrange the summary section to make you easier to find
  • LinkedIn groups and how to choose which ones to join and be active in

Quotes From this Episode:
“It’s often important to know where we came from in order to know where we are going.” - Brad Friedman
“Maybe LinkedIn is doing some things to make you more familiar, more comfortable using it because it looks like a social network. But it’s really not. It’s really still a professional network.” - Brad Friedman
“Everybody knows how important video is. LinkedIn also knows how important video is. So, they made it so that we could create native video on LinkedIn.” - Brad Friedman
“I would contend that LinkedIn is still where people go to build their network for business purposes whether its finding a job or selling a product or a service.” - Brad Friedman
“I’m no financial genius but it seems to me that LinkedIn is doing just fine.” - Brad Friedman
“Really, the foundation of LinkedIn is the LinkedIn profile.” - Brad Friedman
“You only have one chance to make a first impression.” - Brad Friedman
“We’re on LinkedIn because we’re professionals, we’re business owners, and we want to build our business.” - Brad Friedman
“Images are very important because they grab our attention. Not having an image also grabs our attention and makes a statement.” - Brad Friedman
“Take advantage of the summary section to tell people a little something about you: things you like, why you do what you do, what you enjoy about what it is that you do, and the kinds of people you serve.” - Brad Friedman


Brad Friedman




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefriedmangroup




Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/friedmansocialmedia

Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com

Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman

Be sure to sign up for the Brad Bot at TheBradBot.com To get reminders when I go live on Facebook and to receive freebies and other content from The Friedman Group, LLC.

Ep 016: Use Livestreaming To Increase Your Authority, Credibility And Top-Of-Mind Awareness

Ep 016: Use Livestreaming To Increase Your Authority, Credibility And Top-Of-Mind Awareness

Ep 016: Use Livestreaming To Increase Your Authority, Credibility And Top-Of-Mind Awareness

by Brad Friedman

Use Livestreaming To Increase Your Authority, Credibility And Top-Of-Mind Awareness

The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC

Is going out of your way to connect with people via a livestreaming broadcast worth it? Remember, the camera will be on you the whole time and you have to talk to your audience like you are very confident and comfortable about it.

Livestreaming can be very beneficial for your business when done right. Definitely, starting out can be challenging, even a bit intimidating. You could feel frightened about committing mistakes, not knowing what to say, or how to do your introduction.

The good news is there is a way to resolve these issues, get past the barriers, and share yourself and your business with the world. Discover the exciting world of livestreaming in this Episode 016 of The Digital Slice Podcast and find out how you can leverage livestreaming to grow your business.

Jennifer Quinn, better known as JennyQ, is a livestreaming expert who is recognized internationally and has rocked Facebook Live for years. She became a pioneer in livestreaming, tackled the barriers of entry, and went on to teach professionals to succeed in the same way. She has shared with them how the livestreaming experience enhances credibility, authority, and top-of-mind awareness.

To date, Jenny has done more than 450 live interviews using various angles including on-air talent and professional big brand production. She is also a speaker, show host, live video mastery coach, and author of the book, “Leverage Livestreaming to Build Your Brand”, which debuted as Amazon’s #1 Best Seller in Podcasts and Webcasts.

In this Episode:

  • How JennyQ got into livestreaming in 2015 starting with Periscope
  • How JennyQ was introduced to Twitter in 2008 and was awed at how it connected people
  • How livestreaming builds credibility using the right messaging and livestream structure
  • The common challenge of doing the intro and outro and how to deal with it
  • How to start out by giving or sharing street-level information on your videos
  • Recommended technology and tools to use for live streaming
  • JennyQ’s L.A.V.S which stands for lighting, audio, video, and stability as live streaming basic essentials
  • The importance of your business and personal profile as it reflects your brand and credibility
  • How live streaming generates top-of-mind awareness
  • How to build trust with your audience by committing to and being consistent with a live video schedule that’s doable for you
  • How JennyQ’s book, Leverage Livestreaming to Build Your Brand, is helping a lot of people
  • How to pick the best platform for your live stream based on audience and engagement
  • The pros and cons to live videos versus pre-recorded or edited videos

Quotes From this Episode:
“Once they get into what they know, then they’re home free. They could talk about it all day long.” - Jennifer Quinn
“Don’t tell everything you know. Just let’s chunk it down and get three bullets about one specific topic.” - Jennifer Quinn
“We really have to work the most on the intro and the outro because that’s where people stumble the most.” - Jennifer Quinn
“The user, the viewer really just wants to know the basic information and how to implement it.” - Jennifer Quinn
“The learning curve, generally speaking, is not really comfortable ‘cause you’re stepping out of your comfort zone.” - Jennifer Quinn
“Anyone can go live at any time without anything other than their phone.” - Jennifer Quinn
“Now, the consumer is more savvy and less patient so you only have 5 to 7 seconds to demonstrate your authority and credibility.” - Jennifer Quinn
“You got to do video in one form or another.” - Jennifer Quinn
“Don’t try to livestream from everywhere when you’re starting out.” - Jennifer Quinn


Jennifer Quinn
Twitter: @JennyQ
Facebook: @JennyQ411
LinkedIn: @JennyQ411
Instagram: @JennyQ411
Facebook Group: Go Live Community
Book: Leverage Livestreaming to Build Your Brand

Brad Friedman




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefriedmangroup




Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/friedmansocialmedia

Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com

Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman

Be sure to sign up for the Brad Bot at TheBradBot.com To get reminders when I go live on Facebook and to receive freebies and other content from The Friedman Group, LLC.

[PODCAST] Lights, Camera, Let’s Talk Facebook Live!

[PODCAST] Lights, Camera, Let’s Talk Facebook Live!

What do you think you can do with the more than 2 billion active monthly users on Facebook right now? Certainly, there is so much you can do and no business owner in his right mind can ignore the enormous potential of Facebook in the overall marketing of products and services. After you have created your Facebook business page or personal account, you can then work on generating more likes or expanding your network of friends as you try to reach out to your audience. (more…)

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