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Welcome To The 2012 Summer Social Media Olympics

The 2012 Summer Olympics are well under way. Today's social community is not what it was during the last Summer Olympics in Beijing. With the ability to instantly tweet the result of a race (Michael Phelps was trashed on Twitter after coming in fourth in his first race), NBC has already found it challenging to air “Breaking News!” If you're interested in following the Olympics via social media and the Internet, here are a few suggestions: (more…)

You’ve Got To “Work” LinkedIn To See Results!

Are you one of the 160+ million users of LinkedIn? Did you get involved to grow your business? Are you hoping to grow your business by growing your LinkedIn network? It's not going to happen if you're not going to work it! So, if you aren't willing to spend some time every single week on LinkedIn, stop reading now. Go do something you are willing to do. If you are, however, willing to spend some time on LinkedIn, every single week, here are a few strategies to help you grow your LinkedIn network. (more…)

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