LinkedIn Let’s Marketers Target Followers
LinkedIn rolled out two new targeting and analytics products aimed at helping companies leverage the LinkedIn users following them. (more…)
LinkedIn Extends Its Reach
Last Wednesday LinkedIn extended its reach and became more easily available to those using Apple and Android products. The new LinkedIn iPad app, and totally revamped iPhone and Android apps were launched last Wednesday and redesigned from the ground up, according to Mario Sundar, LinkedIn Social Media Manager. “This was a chance to go back to the drawing board,” said Sundar. “To design it for how people use the iPad: morning and night infotainment.” (more…)
Will “Man-Boards” Change The World Of Social Media?
If you haven't heard of Pinterest you've been living under a rock. The hottest new social network is populated mainly by women (90%) who use the site to share recipes, wedding photos, fashion favs and home decor ideas. As a result, a few “Man-Boards” are popping up. Gentlemint and MANteresting are the manly alternative to Pinterest. (more…)We’re A HootSuite Pro Solution Partner!
The Friedman Group, LLC is proud to announce we are now a HootSuite Pro Solution Partner. (more…)