by Brad Friedman | Social Media

2013 is the year social media embraced small talk to a new level. Successful ventures in 2013 featured quick viewing time, making it necessary to get to the point as soon as possible. These capabilities won widespread adoption by teenagers, whose activities tend to predict the next big thing in advertising and from there, the larger marketing world. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Most businesses have more than one product or service, and each may have a unique target audience. Recognizing this, LinkedIn, the professional social networking site, has created Showcase Pages. Pages that allow companies to focus their brand messages for particular content to specific audiences. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice
While most attorneys are at least somewhat familiar with traditional “outbound marketing” approaches, such as buying television and radio ads, billboards, email lists, etc., it seems few are familiar with the concept of “inbound marketing” and using social media to generate business. So what is inbound marketing, how does it work, and why should this tool be in your marketing shed? (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice

Image Courtesy of ShutterStock
This is a guest post written by Camille McClane, who is honored to have this opportunity to share her knowledge of how businesses can improve their own customer and client experiences.
As a business owner, you know how important the customer is to you. After all, without customers and clients, you would most likely be out of business. With that being said, it is up to you to do everything possible to make your clients feel welcomed, respected and heard. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media

Why change what has always worked for me?
Photo by: mbeo
Change is hard. Change is harder for some than for others. Many professionals, particularly those who have been in business for more than a few years, debate the value of a web presence. They have grown accustomed to having business walk through the door based on word-of-mouth referrals alone. (more…)