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Social Media: A Formula For Success?

Source: Luma Partners, Terry Kawaja

Source: Luma Partners, Terry Kawaja

Some think there is a formula for social media success. They assume if they mimic the activity of a major brand, success is just moments away. Like with many other things, people seek the simple answer that will provide the huge boost they are looking for. (more…)

So, You Want To Be A Social Media Manager?

Image: siliconbayounews.com

At its core, social media is about being social. It is about back-and-forth interaction. It is about engagement. Businesses that have successful social strategies understand this. They also understand their customers have certain expectations. They expect to interact with the brands they like. They expect to engage with the brand when they have a question or require customer service. They expect their favorite brands to be sharing great content. So, who's making all this happen? The Social Media Manager, of course. (more…)

Reports of Yahoo’s Death Are Premature

yahoo-logoYahoo's chief executive Marissa Mayer appears to be on course to turn around Yahoo, a company many took for dead not long ago. A review of recent interviews indicates Mayer's vision for Yahoo “is about making the world's daily habits more inspiring and entertaining.” Mayer also has been telling us that Yahoo is developing technology intended to personalize content from the Internet and make it accessible to people on their mobile devices. (more…)

5 Must-Haves For Social Media Management

Social-Media-MarketingSocial media has grown from a curiosity to an integral piece of corporate strategy in the space of only a few years. Nearly overnight, companies have brought on whole teams of specialists to craft effective social media strategies and manage multiplying numbers of social media accounts. Companies are hungry for better social media tools to engage their constituents. Below is a list of five features key to delivering on a social media strategy. (more…)

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