by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Managing your online reputation is both an art and a science. Service professionals and business owners depend on the goodwill and satisfaction of their customers. So when an unpleasant comment or complaint surfaces online, they need to be careful to address it properly to minimize damage, or, better yet, turn it into a positive. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice
You can motivate prospective clients by sprinkling testimonials throughout your website that attest to your clients’ satisfaction with your work. If you don’t use this tactic, you really are missing out on one of the most important things your website can do for you. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media |
This is a Guest Post by Mike Zammuto, the COO of Reputation Changer. The company provides services for Online Reputation Management (ORM), which in turn gives individuals and businesses full control over their online search results.