by Brad Friedman | Social Media

From the movie “Field of Dreams”
This Guest Post is written by Lauren Friedman, Community Genius, at Context Optional in San Francisco. Like the title infers, Lauren is a genius at social media marketing and Facebook in particular. We're very proud to publish a post of hers. If you are interested in publishing a Guest Post, please read the Guidelines on the homepage and get in touch with me. Oh, I almost forgot, Lauren also happens to be my daughter! We hope she'll write for us again in the future. So, you've decided to join the rest of the world on the quest to market via social networks. Congratulations! But you can't completely remove yourself from under a rock quite yet. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
I am a fairly average American. I spend a fair amount of time on the internet. I write this Blog. I am a member of the Problogger Community, and Viral Networks the social media marketing network. I have a Facebook page and a Facebook Fan Page. I am on Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp and Plaxo. I have a account, and I use HootSuite and TweetDeck, Seesmic, and SocialOomph. I share my location on foursquare, enter comments to other blogs through Disqus, and I use WriteToMyBlog, and Chitika Ads. I Stumbleupon, I Digg, and I'm Delicious. Like I said, I'm a fairly average American spending time on the Internet. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
“Don't Do Evil.” Google's corporate slogan, at first blush, appears lofty, or maybe naive. Some argue it is a smoke-screen for the true purpose behind the creation of Google which was to rule the world as a result of its control of information. Personally, I am somewhere in the middle. I, don't believe Google exists for purely altruistic reasons. Yet, I find it hard to believe Larry Page and Sergey Brin set out to rule the world. While I am impressed with the products Google has implemented, there is a voice inside me sending out warning signals. I many ways it is hard to articulate the content of those warning signals. When I try, I tend to ramble. So, I anticipate this being the first of several posts about Google and the issues raised by what they do. If nothing else, I hope what follow gives you something to think about. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Here's an article written by my daughter Lauren Friedman that I found particularly interesting and wanted to share. Follow her on Twitter @Lauren_Hannah.
Twitter is becoming an essential tool used to market a business. Essentially, Twitter is a very concise blogging tool. Originally, Twitter was used by people to let their friends know what they were doing in quick, short updates. Now, it has evolved into a huge marketing tool where people and companies can easily market their services for free. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Not long ago I penned a post about social networking sites taking up too much of my time. I recently read this article by Kris Colvin and liked it so much I thought I'd post it here in its entirety. (more…)