by Brad Friedman | Social Media
I will likely write more on this later, but wanted to put up a link to Mark Zuckerberg's blog post entitled Making Control Simple as well as a link to Facebook's new Privacy Guide. Frankly, these are pretty big changes made in a short period of time. Of course, it took an uproar from users to make it happen, (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Is this what it's come down to. Our life is shared with others in 140 character increments. Is this the end of communication as we know it? Will our children ever learn how to read and write. Will novels still be written? Probably, but time will tell.
by Brad Friedman | Social Media |
LinkedIn just released some pretty exciting changes to its link-sharing capabilities. LinkedIn members may now share image and article excerpts, they may re-share links, and use LinkedIn's new shortened URL. If you already use Facebook, the eight new features introduced today will be familiar to you. I think the most interesting changes are those which enhance a member's status updates. As of today, if you paste a link into your status update, just like in Facebook, when you click on “attach a link” LinkedIn will automatically pull and post an image along with an excerpt from the article you are linking to. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
“Don't Do Evil.” Google's corporate slogan, at first blush, appears lofty, or maybe naive. Some argue it is a smoke-screen for the true purpose behind the creation of Google which was to rule the world as a result of its control of information. Personally, I am somewhere in the middle. I, don't believe Google exists for purely altruistic reasons. Yet, I find it hard to believe Larry Page and Sergey Brin set out to rule the world. While I am impressed with the products Google has implemented, there is a voice inside me sending out warning signals. I many ways it is hard to articulate the content of those warning signals. When I try, I tend to ramble. So, I anticipate this being the first of several posts about Google and the issues raised by what they do. If nothing else, I hope what follow gives you something to think about. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Recently, I have been cajoled, harassed, and embarrassed into participating in the “Social Networking” craze. I have a MySpace page. I’m on Facebook. I am participating in Plaxo, Linkedin, and Twitter. Putting aside the time I should have spent to set up my “page” on each of these sites (the bare minimum to participate is what I opted for), the question now is, how do I find the time every day to visit each of these social networks and actively participate in the things they have to offer?
At this point in time I am only visiting these sites in the evening, after work. I find that once engaged, I can be going from site to site for hours. These sites are addicting and time consuming. Which brings me to a few other questions: 1. Does a person have to be on all these different sites to stay connected or is one better than the rest? 2. What value do these sites really add to my already-too-busy life? (more…)